Anyone else self teaching themselves?


Well Known Member
Anyone else self teaching themselves a complex new skill?

I have been frustrated for over a year with hired help that does not take the urgency of the work seriously, or suddenly decides they should have control of my company.

I have decided that I MUST learn to do my own CAD drawings, and CNC programs.

So I have bought a couple of "How To" books and downloaded a tutorial for my particular program, Surfcam 2001.
This is an old program I got with the CNC mill, the new ones cost enough to buy a nice Ferrari or restored 59 convertible. :eek:

Spent the evening trying to make sense of it, got further than I ever have before.
Looks like it is going to be a while before I am proficient, but I will get there. :deal

In many ways it is like learning a foreign language.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Nice one Richard...

Unfortunately for me, my new skill set is classic chevs. WOW... I have such a long way to go, and am filled with noob questions.