
Hello. I was glad to have found this web site. I'm not new to the car world, but for sure new to chevorlets. I built Fords, now I'm doing a 1956 belair factory v8 auto car. I have a nice 283 that would sit perfect but whats the fun in that. I have always loved 348's and 409's. thought they were the coolest thing around, still do. So I went and got me a 348 to stuff into the old girl. And now need lots of help. Its great to see others have done it, so I do have a chance.
Thanks For Reading. And answering questions, cause I'm gonna have a bunch.

Ronnie Russell

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Welcome Belaircouple to this web-site. There is much knowledge that can help you here. You can find 348 into 55 Nomad under 348-409 Engines thread and much of it will give you good guidance. Good luck