Best mouse trap under $5


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Supporting Member 1
Ive seen it posted before but it works so good have to put it out there.
Bucket from anywhere
1/8 welding rod
Wood ramp
Drill 2 , 1/8 inch holes across from each other and 2 in the can, assemble then add peanutbutter and a ramp. If you use antifreeze they wont smell when dead.
I place it along the wall where they travel 20191202_093639.jpg20191202_093643.jpg20191202_093639.jpg20191202_093643.jpg


Well Known Member
For shits and grins we took 2 pieces of 4"×4"×1/4" flat steel. Put a plastic spray paint cap one plate layed on the floor and one plate on top of the cap. On that plate there was a dollup of peanutbutter. Then attached a 120v wire to each plate. Mice come get a taste of PB and assoon as they were touching each plate....


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Me like !
I’ve tried everything. Last year I tried putting a new bar of Irish Spring soap in my cars. They ATE it !
A mouse ate the HP plug wires on my deuce ! All the way from the distributor to the plugs !
I’m going to try this. Looks like it’ll work good.
Thanks for sharing!