Celebrities Save America

Junkman 104

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There are so many qualified women that could be president, and the best they have come up with so far is Hillary and now her. Why cant we get someone like Condoleezza Rice to run. Condoleezza is too smart to get into that garbage though. Oprah is absolutely a racist piece of garbage. She hides it pretty well, and presents herself well most of the time. However, if you watch her over time, ( 80's to late 90's )she ultimately expresses her racist self, albeit mildly, it is still there. The sad thing is, if she runs, she will most likely win. :barf2

Don Jacks

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Because Greg,liberals never learn.They say that only white[especially us males]people can be racist.NBC has already publicly stated that they're behind her 100 percent.


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I believe the reason most racism continues, and I believe is growing ( thanks Obama ) ( although some will always hate to hate ) is because the definition of racism is not applied equally to all people. Same with sexual harassment. Not equally applied. Some people seem to believe because of past wrongs, it's ok to be hateful, violent, racist, harass sexually, etc., as long as it is done to white males, there is nothing wrong with it. I guess they believe 2 wrongs make a right :dunno I wonder what they think the outcome will be for treating white males like this whether have or have not done anything to anyone past or present?

Fathead Racing

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I am proud of who I am. I am proud of my country. Race or color never has entered into those thoughts. Who among us has chosen to be born a certain color or what country we are born in? I treat others according to their character. Your not born with respect, that is earned by your character.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Don, glad for your proud declaration of your life and views. I don't owe anybody an apology for what I think,believe,and can articulate. It seems the cure for past discrimination is to continue it, but transfer the target of racism and discrimination from one group to another. The worst offenders in the battle of racism, discrimination against others and institutionalized hate are the ones keeping it going by doing just that. It's good politics to keep a bad thing alive, because the left knows how to benefit by it. Let's review American history of the past 160 years. Conditions in the South continued in ways whereby the roots of the civil war were sown. The term "civil war" is about the biggest oxymoron that ever existed. What was civil about a war? The south wanted to separate itself from the Union of the northern states over the issue of slavery,among other things. War happened, a very costly one, and the greatest President in history issued the emancipation Proclamation ending one of the greatest injustices in history, and the dissolution of the Nation. The country managed to regroup, but animosities continued. Polarization according to politics happened,the north being Republican and the south democrats. Immediately, stuff like jim crow laws came along in an attempt to regain control of the landscape by placing the newly liberated into subservience to the same old system. Force was employed, terrorist tactics became common, hence the existence of the ku klux klan, which was a democrat operative, any Republicans living in the south had trouble with homes and businesses destroyed and burned, and racism and segregation as business as usual continued into the 1950's. That was a rough time for a lot of people. The band of Duke Ellington landed a prestigious gig in a very upscale hotel, then found out they couldn't stay at the venue where they were to play because of their race. Stupid move. The Duke wasn't dependent on some hotel gig for his continued success. Did you see the baseball movie, 42, a few years ago, the one featuring Jackie Robinson? Best flick I've seen in ages. It speaks well of him for not reacting in a hostile manner, and it speaks well of the Dodger organization for being determined to move past all that. Spoke well of the players who supported him as well. I feel that most persons alive today (not counting the left) just want to be left alone and lead their lives without any of this. When somebody claims to represent your best interests and creates division to do so, that's the antithesis of being an American. Don, your concluding statement of earning respect is right on. We had a high school teacher that was the biggest A-hole you ever saw.He went out of his way to prove it. One fine day, he bellowed that he demanded respect and had better get it. The reply was,"When none is extended, even less will be returned!!"Ever see an adult just about explode? Respect is earned. I respect morality, personal success, integrity, and leadership. We Americans are very ready to see all of the above. Just that from our national,state,and local leadership would go a long way toward healing the national divide that currently exists for far too long a time.


Hell NOPRAH! We don't need another unqualified president. You would think the position of president would have some strict guidlines to meet but after bath house barry who didn't even prove himself a U.S. citizen made it in with a re-election, they obviously let anyone take the job.

All the good that Trump is doing will probably be all squandered away again with the next dem. Hopefully, there will be no more dems!