Got out just in time...

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Last weekend, my daughter graduated with her Masters in Secondary Education from San Francisco State.The graduation was held in the baseball stadium where the Giants play,Oracle Park. It was a real nice arena, the area around it is clean and kept up, the graduation was for her class of 2020 which got postponed due to the coved 19 epidemic, but watching her and her classmates succeed was worth the wait. We spent a few days there, although our hotel is in Berkeley on the marina, so we took the ferry (ferry, not fairy), from Alameda to the Pier 3 on the wharf. We had a real nice lunch Saturday on a three hour harbor cruise that took us out under the Golden Gate Bridge and around Alcatraz, a monument to the bygone era of punishing criminals, and the weather co operated and we had a real good four day weekend with her. That was last month. Now, this is supposed to be pride month. There were few signs advertising it, very little to indicate what was about to dump forth, but I imagine June is the month to stay away. How in the world did something that directly affects a very small percentage of our population demand so much attention? I don't wish them or anybody else any harm or ill will, but why does the personal choices of some in our world seem to demand so much attention and come under some politically correct preferential status? I wouldn't want to be a problem for anybody else, but some things people do are their business. I would prefer to stay out of it all. We got to enjoy a good weekend of boat rides, cable cars, a little shopping, Ghirardelli's, some good food on the Wharf, and really didn't need to be confronted with somebody else's private business. That seems to be a way I deal with a lot of things these days. One thing that's for sure, if you like mechanical engineering and structural engineering, the view of the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge is truly amazingly interesting from a cruise ship looking up at the structure of it all and imagining what it must have been to build. Something you might really want to see someday.
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Supporting Member 5
It sounds like you had grand time and congrats for your daughter. It sounds like you did clear out of Dodge just in time, from what I've seen of gay pride celebrations I would want to be on the other end of the Country!!


Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Well, the trip up to see our daughter and see her graduate was epic. We enjoyed every bit of it.Monday we met up with my son and his wife and his inlaws and had a great lunch. Tuesday, I started getting strong cold symptoms as did my wife. Wednesday and Thursday, we felt pretty rotten, so we took The Test. Sure enough,Covid 19. Not sure where we got that, it could have been anywhere. Today we both feel a lot better, it only lasts 5-10 days and we're about there. It's unimportant where our exposure occurred, the important thing is that it's out there, be careful. We'll be fine. The aggravating thing is that I won't be racing this weekend at Irwindale for our Summit race #4. Could be a lot worse,however.Be careful out there.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Found three great epic old movies on Youtube. One is "Building the Golden Gate Bridge" 1937 or so, another one is "Building the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge,1937", and another one from that era to now is called,"Daylight-The Most Beautiful Train in the World". It is fairly recent, but it covers extensively the history of the SP Coast Daylight between LA and SF. Has a lot of great vintage shots of So Cal from 75-80 years ago and more recently as well. Great stuff on all of these films. The way that announcers and newscasters used to talk was significantly different then as well. Definitely worth a watch.


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Supporting Member 2
I have the building of the Gate on VHS from years ago. In my office at home I have a picture of the Gate being built above my desk. I have seen the building of both bridges and walked many a friend across the Golden Gate. A friend once told me his friend worked/did maintenance on the Bay bridge (2002 ? ) and could get me on the towers. I told him to tell his friend I will give him a grand to get me on the Bay bridge and we can probably double it for the Golden gate. Never heard back though.


Well Known Member
Here where I live the have the big gay pride crap all the time in June. My Son's little friend group wants him go go every year and my Son always tells then "NO" when they ask why, he says "ask my dad he'll tell you why", they won't as they all hate me because when his little buddies came over to the the house when they were all little punks and started talking about that gay crap I let them have some good stories form the 60's and 70's they did not want to hear. The truth hurts.


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Supporting Member 5
Speaking of Butt Buddies, it looks like BitezMe's most bestest Butt Buddy wants to change jobs from Trans Sexatery to security, he thinks he has a better plan to save the day! And thinks that schools are ok to keep the doors unlocked!
