Government shut down


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Supporting Member 2
While it will suck for the government workers who have to take furlough, although they usually get all the pay back anyway, and the groups that will not get paid, for the vast majority of people, this is a non issue. It's FAKE news perpetuated by BOTH sides to act like our government actually shuts down, and our country will implode. And then they act like continuing resolutions for a few weeks are the answer. I say, no Sir, that is not an answer. Go do a budget for the whole year. Don't stop working till its' done. And if you cannot, like you have for years now, you should be fired. All of them. Republicans and Democrats. Bunch of lying two faced cons spreading lies and upsetting a public that really doesn't understand that the government doesn't actually shut down.


Well Known Member
Every year this BS reminds me how Dysfunctional Washington is. They prune and preen and profess how they believe in America and how Patriotic they are. They are a disgrace. Founding fathers looking down Horrified at what America has to endure. No longer get to vote for The Best person but the one who is least corrupt.