Ponder: if slavery had never existed

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Still paying for this one, aren't we? That was a scheme from the '60's called the war on poverty, the great society, and all manner of slavery that came from the worst president in history.Don't forget viet nam, welfare housing projects and various educational projects, all from a prez that shouted segregation with the worst of them.He saw his constituency as a big entitlement class that he could exploit for votes since he thought he owned them. He was the largest last slave owner in history.
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Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
If slavery would never existed, the world would have been an easier place to live. Research the history of indentured servitude, you will find that it existed globally. We were among the earliest cultures to outlaw it, which speaks well for America,No nation has an absolutely perfect track record, but some places were, are and always will be an absolute atrocity and a moral cesspool. The stunningly shocking thing is that the degererate element here is the worst offender. The problem here, as we have extended protection and equality and opportunity to others, the left has taken it and made it an entitlement, controlled by them, of course and has ruined the attitudes of the beneficiaries of it by making it some kind of an entitlement. Success is a great motivator, but it has to be achieved by work, intelligent thinking, decent morals and proper effort. Take any of these things out of the equation,and you have an incomplete picture. The old Robin Hood legend of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is only a fairy tale. A real world scenario is that the current liberal robin hoods would steal from everybody they can, punish the achievers,blame the successful, and keep it for themselves, while laughing in derision at the rest of us. Being benevolent to others is a Biblical principle that always works, but the forced extortion that is rampant now is a blight on our landscape that benefits nobody but its perpetrators. They use poverty to create victimhood, promise a solution, then withhold any meaningful effort to fix the problem. Anybody who exploits race for political gain is the lowest form of degenerate on earth.
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Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I think our Homeys should start making claims of Reparations on the Euro peeples then, the people that really got the ball rolling on slavery! Could you imagine if the Potato administration all of a sudden got rid of welfare & all assistance to minorities? Being that us Krackers are low life & racist and such, I could see BitezMe giving our jobs to the minority's, especially if you were Conservative. And then we all would have to learn new life skills such as stripping cars, carjacking, selling drugs, washing windshields at stoplights, pimping, killing people, and for the more advanced rap music and break dancing!!!
