Strike Today For Climate Change

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member


Well Known Member
Its amazing that at 81 years old Jane walks from California to DC to protest climate change. Its to bad she has to walk back to California to go back to film a show she gets paid Millions of Dollars for. Jane remains an inspiration.
Die you old ****
After her traitorous charade in North Vietnam and her help in collecting blood and medical supplies for use by the North Vietnamese Army (NVA); a lot of people would shoot her on sight, even today. She caused the death of many U.S. prisoners directly by turning over names of prisoners, who had given her information about their status. They were beaten to death. Sitting in the seat of anti-aircraft guns, shooting at U.S. planes, is unforgiveable. Dates on some medical supplies indicate that they were produced, in California, only four to five (4 to 5)) weeks prior to being discovered on dead NVA bodies in South Vietnam. Howz them apples? This effort was not a mom and pop operation, but a well-organized program to support the NVA in the killing of Americans. I spent multiple, year-long tours in that "wonderful" part of the third world and I have no hard feelings toward the NVA now. He was doing his job and I was doing mine. That part is over. Betraying your country for attention and personal gain is another matter.
Hey Jane, please pass quietly in your sleep and go away. Here is your sign: :finger:finger:finger:finger