We need the wall

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member
Sorry guys but I am an Arizona resident and there are two thing Arizonans really want - Border wall, but not in the location others want it. I have asked over and over to have it built on the California / Arizona border and leave the Mexico / California border open so all the illegals (yes I said it) can move to cali. And number 2 is the dream of never having to hear Flake talk about his sore vagina as he cries in the elevator, or gets pushed around by the dumbocrats till his starts to weep. GOOD BYE FLAKE-OFF!!!!!!!!


Well Known Member
They once had California,we kicked them out.California may suck,but it is in the USA.No illegals in the USA period!Dont like it leave!


Well Known Member
What does the pope know,saying being gay is ok,and the list goes on.Why didnt he tell the world obey the bible! In the old west,there was no wall,you crossed the fence you were shot.Other countries,you enter illegally,your shot or disappear?Why cant we protect the U S A,our government cant!