Junkyard Picture Submit

Thank you for considering to help build our junkyard picture page.

If you decide to help, here are few guidelines:
  • Photo's should primarily be limited to 1958-1965 full size Chevrolets however we will accept some 1955-1957 and 1966-1972 Chevrolet cars and trucks as well.
  • Pictures may not be copyrighted or taken from other websites, they should be your own.
  • Photo's should be clear and sharp. Blurry, dark or distant shots may be rejected.
  • If you would like, you may include a short description to be included with any or all photo's you submit.
  • 348-409.com reserves the right to crop, touch up or resize all pictures submitted to best suit this website.
  • Everyone that contributes photo's will have their first name and/or nickname added to the credits page and below each pic.

    If you would like to share some junkyard pics with us, please send them to: