Strike Today For Climate Change

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member


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Perhaps this is a good idea...exept instead of striking for global warming we STRIKE FOR LOWER TAXES AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS GETTING ROUNDED UP AND RETURNED TO OVER THE BORDER (fuk'em let em find their own way home) AND FOR POLITICIANS BEING PROCECUTED FOR CRIMES AGAINST AMERICANS!


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Like everyone else, I have seen this my whole life. We seem to go through stages like this. I am not saying children cannot have good intelligent ideas, however they are children with limited knowledge of the life, the world and science. That's why we don't elect children ( well age wise anyway ) to congress or presidents or just about anything. If the left thinks this girl is so smart, why don't they let her run their home, their life, their communities ect.? Because they know better also, they're just not going to admit it so they can exploit the children for their political gain.


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Supporting Member 6
Like everyone else, I have seen this my whole life. We seem to go through stages like this. I am not saying children cannot have good intelligent ideas, however they are children with limited knowledge of the life, the world and science. That's why we don't elect children ( well age wise anyway ) to congress or presidents or just about anything. If the left thinks this girl is so smart, why don't they let her run their home, their life, their communities ect.? Because they know better also, they're just not going to admit it so they can exploit the children for their political gain.

It doesn't help matters any when these children are fed a steady diet of Libatard $hit. There isn't any schools or college's teaching facts as they truly are just more Liberal BS.



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Supporting Member 2
I cannot believe they let this foul mouth angry, uniformed little girl to speak in the first place. :wtf I know she is just a kid, but did you see that face and voice :confused


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Supporting Member 2
I heard that too. We have a very large clinic and research lab dedicated to autism. I am no expert in any way, however I am around these kids and adults on occasion. And I can honestly say, if she does, she has a very mild form as she is very high functioning. Either way, she and the adults that put her up to this and helped her write that garbage need to go away. Who stole her childhood? She is 16, most of her childhood is past. Based on her anger and words the only person who stole her childhood was herself and the adults around her.