I had no idea where to put this.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I've got this big life size picture in my head.....Bob on the other side of the gate wearing his finest & leanest pair of his Pok Chop panties the ones with the lace fringe and sand paper in hand going here kitty kitty kitty.:lmao



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Mark, Buddy. Put down the booze and the porn then turn yourself in to a medical facility asap.

Kain't do it Wristpin I have to work with what I have they won't let me loiter around the emergency rooms anymore don't ask me why maybe its the Porn I have loaded on my laptop that's the one with the 27" screen and surround sound but I really doubt it..:good:crazy

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63 dream'n

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 4
You could just nail it down and say he’s a Democrat ......!!!!...... hopefully sometime in the future our kids kids kids will be able to see Santa the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy in the same light as African-Americans, antifa, and the Democrats Oh and don’t forget LGBT .........And we will all........ just be Americans
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