The Official Obama Presidential Library


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Supporting Member 15
Well, we knew it was coming. Here are the costs for the planned elegant Presidential Library for the left's favorite son......

$694,456,982,304.77 - cheap by any means.

The building plans:

Obama Lbrary Requisition.jpeg

And the after build visual of the structure:

Obama Library.jpeg

It is shown here with all the important legislation and bills he signed and passed while in office.


Well Known Member
I hope the bricks were sourced from African tribes that have benefited from Obamas largess and the wood taken from old growth forests that have been humainly culled ftom the surrounding areas to ensure there was no negative impact upon the native indiginous populatians. Then wrapped in ceremonial silks and flown by 747 airliners with military escorts to their final destination of Obamas birthplace in some African Shithole.

Junkman 104

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