
Well Known Member
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When Fox rescued him from I think it was the Washington Post I could be wrong but he was ok kinda but then the evilness of the Libatard machine took over his pea brain and the rest they say is genuine Libatard lunacy History. But yeah I can't stand his guts now. I wish Fox would get rid of all their Libatard contributors and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if they got rid of Shepard butt buddy Smith.



:yup I did the next best thing. I stopped watching the whole station! And since barr isn't prosecuting comey, that was the straw that broke the camels back with me! I've stopped looking at the political vid's on youtube as well. Sick of the whole damn thing!!! Nobody in DC will pay for their crimes, it's clearly obvious after all this time. I'm no longer impressed with barr. Nothing will ever change. DC is full of criminals and we send our money in like good little sheeple. When the dems get back in again (and THEY WILL EVENTUALLY) we are really going to get the shaft! These people are f-n CRAZY!

It's amazing this country isn't worse off than it is. :rantoff

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
:yup I did the next best thing. I stopped watching the whole station! And since barr isn't prosecuting comey, that was the straw that broke the camels back with me! I've stopped looking at the political vid's on youtube as well. Sick of the whole damn thing!!! Nobody in DC will pay for their crimes, it's clearly obvious after all this time. I'm no longer impressed with barr. Nothing will ever change. DC is full of criminals and we send our money in like good little sheeple. When the dems get back in again (and THEY WILL EVENTUALLY) we are really going to get the shaft! These people are f-n CRAZY!

It's amazing this country isn't worse off than it is. :rantoff

And there it is.:yup Fox bought out by Disney. What could possibly go wrong? One bite at a time.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
:yup I did the next best thing. I stopped watching the whole station! And since barr isn't prosecuting comey, that was the straw that broke the camels back with me! I've stopped looking at the political vid's on youtube as well. Sick of the whole damn thing!!! Nobody in DC will pay for their crimes, it's clearly obvious after all this time. I'm no longer impressed with barr. Nothing will ever change. DC is full of criminals and we send our money in like good little sheeple. When the dems get back in again (and THEY WILL EVENTUALLY) we are really going to get the shaft! These people are f-n CRAZY!

It's amazing this country isn't worse off than it is. :rantoff

I think you might be right Bob but I'll reserve my negative comments on Barr and his team until all of this out in the open that is if it makes it for us to read but also Comey isn't totally out of the woods yet I would like to think that Barr has some huge Hail Mary coming.



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Supporting Member 6

Wouldn't ya think that the Libatard news media would get tired of being the butt of the joke all the time in these meme's. I mean there's been some damn good stuff that's come down the pike about them making them look like blithering boobs I guess it must be the love of money or they don't want to end up on the Hitlerys hit list.



I wish we could just get rid of cnn and the like! That's another one of those things I just don't get. We allow LIARS to give us the news. This is considered normal.

News outlets/media should be ACCURATE! True facts without opinion! They should be held to some form of accountability! But no, we must like propaganda and left wing brain washing here in the U.S. too much. :bang

Then there is the education system but I won't get into that at 5:07am! :yawn (I forgot we turned the clocks back last night so I'm up an hour EARLIER!!)


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I wish we could just get rid of cnn and the like! That's another one of those things I just don't get. We allow LIARS to give us the news. This is considered normal.

News outlets/media should be ACCURATE! True facts without opinion! They should be held to some form of accountability! But no, we must like propaganda and left wing brain washing here in the U.S. too much. :bang

Then there is the education system but I won't get into that at 5:07am! :yawn (I forgot we turned the clocks back last night so I'm up an hour EARLIER!!)

That's good for you Bob getting up an hour earlier helps knock the barnacles off you.:D
