To all my democrat friends


Well Known Member
Obummer did succeed in changing the US, and Trump attempted to straighten out his missteps. Now Biden will dismantle everything that we gained in the last 4 years, and in 4 years from now, we will have the choice of a new President that will either roll back the Biden years, or build on them. Not sure where all this is going to end, but I do feel that the next 4 years are going to be difficult years economically. Taxes are going to go up, and the value of the dollar is going to go down.

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Obummer did succeed in changing the US, and Trump attempted to straighten out his missteps. Now Biden will dismantle everything that we gained in the last 4 years, and in 4 years from now, we will have the choice of a new President that will either roll back the Biden years, or build on them. Not sure where all this is going to end, but I do feel that the next 4 years are going to be difficult years economically. Taxes are going to go up, and the value of the dollar is going to go down.

Screw it,....4 years....8 years...done with it....I don't have that kind of time.


Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
I think he's been doing a lot more since then too! I'd be the farm he's behind a lot of what's going on today.

The great community organizer...

That chickenshit bastard[and he is a bastard] has stayed in DC stirring the pot behind the scenes since he left office. And he ain't black, he's a mullato....half white...he's a friggin lie.

Racist. He'll no, these are proven facts.
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Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Good bye cruel world

Brad lived in California and was a lifelong environmentalist. He was sick of the world; of Covid-19, Brexit, Russian

Brad drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could. He got back into his car and wound down all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and revved it to a slow idle.

Two days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car. She notified the emergency services and they broke in, pulling Brad from the car.

A little sip of water and, surprisingly, he was in perfect condition, but his Tesla had a dead battery.

Brad is a registered California Democrat​

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Good bye cruel world​
Brad lived in California and was a lifelong environmentalist. He was sick of the world; of Covid-19, Brexit, Russian​
Brad drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could. He got back into his car and wound down all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and revved it to a slow idle.​
Two days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car. She notified the emergency services and they broke in, pulling Brad from the car.​
A little sip of water and, surprisingly, he was in perfect condition, but his Tesla had a dead battery.​
Brad is a registered California Democrat​
Seems that the electric motors on the old Pacific Electric red cars built 75-100 years ago fit next to the axles between the wheels and weighed 4 to 500 pounds, The average streetcar had two powered axles. They were very environmentally friendly. The problem was that the generating station took up a whole city block. It was a diesel generator. It wasn't very environmentally friendly.


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Supporting Member 3
The demorats learned they can cheat and get away with it---in 4 years i think there is no way a replublican can win back the white house, even if the republican gets twice the amount of votes, they will just add more on their side until they win--that happened here in michigan, they kicked out the republicans and then put large pieces of paper on the windows so no one could see what they were doing---when it came to certify the votes, they openly threatened the republicans until the certified the lies.


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Supporting Member 6
The Rats had 4 long years to plan and perfect their treasonous act and they got it right to the T they totally had their azzes covered on how to finally get rid of Trump. They hate this President so much they'll harass & degrade him right to the bitter end and its hard telling how long this nightmare will last for him because they'll have him in court for years.:finger



Not if he really did sign the EO! I think we'll be seeing something soon. From what I heard, they need to inaugurate biden to "complete the crime."

It's like a shop lifter. You can't charge them until they actually leave the store. :p


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I sho hope you're right Bob I was watching Sebastian Gorka today and he called Biden President UNLESS he's just plating along for the trap.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I think you might be right Wristpin it does look that way BUT I'm holding a little hope that Trump is going to pull the ultimate zing on the Rat party at the last second. I think this would have to be better than Trumps first time around. I mean can you imagine all the Rats salivating thinking they finally got the "Orange Man Bad" then he pulls the rug out from under them it would be GRAND. Especially after all the $hit Pelosi & the other Rats and lets not forget about the Rinos tried to unleash on him.

You're a bad influence on me Wristpin I try not to buy any ice cream now you just gave me a reason to go to Sam's Club and buy some of their cookies & cream ice cream.
