2nd Amendment Attack Continues


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Supporting Member 3
Looks like the demorats want to start a civil war............................................I bet ms lee has a wall around her house----thats why they want to build a wall around congress , they know the people will start getting tired of the crap they are going to pass


Well Known Member
Looks like the demorats want to start a civil war............................................I bet ms lee has a wall around her house----thats why they want to build a wall around congress , they know the people will start getting tired of the crap they are going to pass
They should build a well around congress and staff it with search lights, armed guards and attack dogs.


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Supporting Member 6
Every time I see ole Hank speak he just rambles on making no sense at all but I'm sure the Rats understand everyting he say because dey all wents to duh same scool.



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Supporting Member 3
This is the woman that handed blasey ford's attorney an envelope after the Kavanaugh attempted lynching by congress---------I always wondered what was in it???????---------How about we take away all her armed guards too....................


Well Known Member
Time to give this guy, a urine test.:rolleyes:pan
This has to be the dumbest, most ignorant SOB in Congress. The people who elected him are only slightly more ignorant than the moronic shitbirds who elected Alexandria Ocassio Cockroach, who is "terrified" of a kitchen garbage disposal. The total IQs of both Johnson and Cockroach would make a turnip look like Albert Einstein. This Country is rapidly descending into the deep abyss of disorder and chaos. The Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon are licking their chops and laughing like hell at our stupidity and vulnerability. The Iranians are going to shove this nuke fiasco up our collective asses. The current WH is a "ship of fools;" commanded by a court jester, crewed by addled-brained nincompoops and floundering on the shoals. No one is minding the store.