Supreme Court

Iowa 409 Guy

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Jackson can't define the word Weak on pedophiles and CRT. She is a racist. She would love court packing. 2 faced lib as usual. When they have the majority in the SC, that's fine, when they lose that, they need to pack the court. Did you hear the conservatives talk like that?
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I don't know much about the lady except what I see on TV, and I believe nothing I see on the TV, or the internet. What I will say is that it probably doesn't matter much. The people in politics, and now the Supreme Court, are either activist, ignorant of history, are blinded by their political ideology to the point they lie to the public and the public doesn't care, or just plain wack jobs. I am seriously worried about both sides anymore. However, it's coming down to their world now, so I only hope they get exactly what they voted for on both sides. When the WW2 generation left, so did common sense, love of, and the foundation of America. Remember, there will be no shots fired to take over America. The people here will voluntarily hand it over like they are working towards now.

1958 delivery

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At the end of the day, or should I say hearings. There will be one more liberal judge. Does it really matter if it's a women, man, black or white or?
I'll take the lessor of evils and be thankful they didn't appoint a transsexual freak. Im sure that's coming though.


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Is Justice Thomas still in the hospital? I'm a little concerned about his health and safety under the current circumstances. This would not be a good time to have to replace him.


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I remember a liberal I know once said, Don't you want a dissenting voice on the Supreme Court to keep things in check. I will say I have to agree with him, however we have several already, we don't need more :D


The left is attacking Thomas and his wife:


1958 delivery

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I remember a liberal I know once said, Don't you want a dissenting voice on the Supreme Court to keep things in check. I will say I have to agree with him, however we have several already, we don't need more :D

The current nominee is just a replacement not "another" one

1958 delivery

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The left is attacking Thomas and his wife:

They're going to go after Thomas any way they can


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I don’t enjoy saying this, and want to be wrong and gladly admit it, but it’s the death spiral


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Is Justice Thomas still in the hospital? I'm a little concerned about his health and safety under the current circumstances. This would not be a good time to have to replace him.

Hillary probably got in touch with some of her Russian buddies, that's the ones that go around poisoning people for Poopy. The Dems would like to put two Libatards on the bench not just one! Although there's not really a need for it because I think some of the so called RepubeiCant's on the bench are Rinos, for sure with not so Chief Roberts!



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Illegally here twice....oh darn

I am confused by the post Dave. Doesn't her actions make her one of the most qualified candidates for the left? Lite sentences for child molesters and kiddie porn, dealing drugs, coming here illegally, rape, robbery, murder, arson, and looting, are actually qualifying steps for persons on the left to obtain political positions. So she is a shoe in :good