Only in CA!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Don't worry Greg, they will probably start with the low income areas of LA area first. The areas with knowledgeable voters and especially areas with money will be the last ones to get the "new" water regulations, if at all. But the so called neighborhoods of traditionally underserved communities,.... they are going to get toilet to tap first. Unless.......... enough public outcry about poor neihborhoods being picked on gets enough press, then your definitely going to get it, because Beverly Hills and places like that are not.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Like the guy said, this is happening all over the place. I have been looking again. However, weather, cost of living, healthcare, housing, politics, etc. all play into it. And for all the people leaving, many more come eventually. Ca don't care if people leave. Especially if the are Republicans and Conservatives.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 18
Seems like, the Covid shot, isn't killing people fast enough. So, lets make them drink polluted water.:drop

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
I have no beef with good successful honorably generated true wealth being enjoyed by those who earned it. There is more success available even today than we ever really realized. There is always the pseudo wealth that resorts in dishonesty and fraud in order to survive, after all corruption has always been a global problem. It is possible to succeed in spite of that while maintaining your integrity. When I see the left wing degenerate classes ranting and raving about the wealthy,I see a class of people being exploited and lied to by their leaders. None of the liberals calling for the overthrow of capitalism and the various legitimate means of success have ever denied themselves a thing, hence the opulent lifestyles that portray wealth as an entitlement for only them. Notice how liberalism seems to divide people more than it ever brings them together? Know what I would say to the liberal elites pretending to 'care about others"? Don't believe the lies from the left. Focus on the work ethic. Make your own way. Stay away from shady elements and work,save and invest and keep at it. Lead your own life, don't depend on others, and definitely don't believe big government. Family first, then others.Teach your kids the work ethic, then allow them to succeed for themselves. Nothing here our grandparents would disapprove of. Happy New Year, everybody.


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Supporting Member 6
Chevron is turning the Potato & Thief and KommieForney's finest into a couple of Bend over Billies!!! :mock :laugh4



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
The RepubeiKunt's must be in a constant state of La La land!!!!!!!!!! They just don't/can't pick up on this $hit! They just keep giving the Rats a long leash so they can go out and spend like a woman with a credit card!!!!!!!!



Well Known Member
Be sure to let them vote too!

Joe CA Liberal goes into ER for BFs semen in his eye but can't be seen for a weak because he's in line behind 2500 "migrant workers" . He receives his bill thats 20x higher than it should be because CA gets what they voted for. Not to mention the 33% surtax charged by The State to cover uninsured "migrant workers"!!!