

Well Known Member
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Reparations: compensation for injury or wrong doing; injustice. Hi everyone. Well, I promised I would wean myself from this political section, only because I want to. I really didn't want to participate anymore in it, but here I am. Having a weak moment. Can't help myself. Anyhow, I see there is some movement on giving those descendants of slaves, reparations. Are you kidding me?? WTF?? Of course, it has it's roots in Massachusetts. No surprises there. First and foremost, I don't believe in servitude, subjugation or slavery. We cannot ever enslave others. Period. What were the forefathers thinking when they imported slaves?? Cheap labor?? What else could it be?? They were totally wrong. If they needed labor to be productive with their farms/plantations, then either have smaller farms or pay your help accordingly. You don't enslave another human being. They did us no favors. Having said that, I am totally against reparations. I live in the present, not the past. My family had nothing to do with the importation of slaves. They came from Ireland and Italy in 1903. Long after the fact. Did they and their ancestors (me) benefit from the previous labor of slaves?? Perhaps. But my relatives were also dealt with in an very unkind manner. They weren't looking then or now for a handout. This reparation issue is alot of bullshit. If you have issues with someone or something, then take it up with those responsible. Go to the cemetery and dig those up who committed this crime. While you're digging, go to Africa and take it up with those brethren who sold the slaves. I know, if no demand, then no supply, but they are still responsible. I'm so tired of handouts to a select few. This issue runs deeper with me then I dare to share with others. You really don't know how I feel bout certain things and I bet I'm not alone. I don't want to be admonished or banned, because I really do like this sight. So, I'll stop for now. Maybe forever. Besides, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune are coming on. Have to win some money to set up my tree house in the Amazon jungle. Divest myself of this nonsense, Carmine.


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You just can't help yourself can you Nick?That's the way most conservative proud Americans are.:dunno
No, I can't Dave. I really try hard not to post any more threads about politics, and I have been good about it. I just get tired of the same old nonsense. Wears you down after a while. It's hard to avoid, when watching tv; mainly the news. Pops up right there in front of you. I like watching the news to see what is gong on in other parts of the country. I wouldn't know what is happening to those poor people in CA. with flooding, unless I see it on tv. Then inevitably, things turn to politics and they continue to find fault with some; actually the same people. Never nothing nice to say about them. I don't get too excited by it, because I know they have their own agenda which isn't mine. But it does get old. Then, just when I think it's over, they talk about reparations. OMG. Got my attention. I've made my stance on this issue in another thread quite clear. I felt that way yesterday. I feel that way now. And I'll feel that way tomorrow. Enough, i.e. free stuff, is enough. But, it is never enough. That's the problem. Now some brain dead idiot assholes, want to monetarily compensate the descendants of slaves for their cruel and inhuman treatment. Can't argue the treatment. Absolutely terrible. Should never have happened. But, where does this stop and who is suppose to be responsible for it?? Are we going to compensate the descendants of the Japanese who were interred in US camps during WW2?? If not, why not?? How about the forced Chinese labor that helped build the transcontinental railroad? They are surely entitled to something. And let us not forget the Irish, Italian and all others who came here and were taken advantage of. Oh. Before I forget, how about the American Indian? We not only stole their land but killed alot of them. Just ridiculous. BTW, I didn't win any money on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune last night, so I'm stuck here a while longer :pray:pray:pray, Carmine.

1958 delivery

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Carmine, we did pay the Japanese Americans that were held in camps during WW2. That may have been a little different then the proposed African deal. The Japanese Americans were mostly established, hard working Americans that had already achieved some level of success. The US government took all their properties and money etc. The property they owned was quite extensive and they lost it all. The American Indians have also been paid, that's way we have casinos etc, the land was "given" back to them. Unfortunately many of the Indian tribes are just as crooked as the US that took it all away. Now the African slaves didn't have squat, were already slaves in their own land. Slave trading was already a world wide business before the Americas got involved.
My viewpoint is, what was, is past, today is a new day. If we fought a war and took away things, so be it-to the victor goes the spoils.
If your ancestors did something wrong hundreds of years ago it doesn't make their children liable hundreds of years later.
This is just another scam by the liberals to gain a few more votes.


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Just saw on line, what is perceived to be the top four contenders for the democratic presidential nomination, all but Bernie Sanders, support the reparation idea. Bernie doesn't. Said there must be a better way. Oh boy. This should be good. Stay tuned, Carmine.


Let's just hope they don't cheat their way back into power or this country (AND US!) will be so screwed...

The swamp is alive and well, it's just waiting it's turn again...

Iowa 409 Guy

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Just saw on line, what is perceived to be the top four contenders for the democratic presidential nomination, all but Bernie Sanders, support the reparation idea. Bernie doesn't. Said there must be a better way. Oh boy. This should be good. Stay tuned, Carmine.

I would vote for giving reparations to any living slaves. Also give them free health care, housing, food, ect.

Maybe Steve or Gav will chime in with their experience down there.


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I see on tonight's news, that Sen. Cory Booker from NJ, has a bill pending in the Senate for reparations. More free stuff (money) for a select few. I still can't believe that anyone with an ounce of gray matter between their ears, would ever entertain this idea. I never cared for Booker, period. Now I like him even less. I really do believe that he indulges in self gratification, way too much. His brain is going to mush. He's also a self proclaimed democraptic presidential candidate. I hope so. I'd love to see him go up against Trump. He's have him for breakfast, Carmine.


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The Slave trade has always existed where there is money to be made, in the modern world it still exists but in different areas.
In regards to the trade up until the US Civil War, the merchants were in general trading legally ( morally offensive but legal).
The bit that always irks me, who did the merchants buy these people from, I am pretty sure it wasn't white folks rounding the tribes people up and making some money, in the absolute majority of cases it was Black Africans and Moors trading in the human suffering, when it comes to reparations, the people should be trying to get it from the Gold and Ivory coast.


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You are not alone Carmine, we never seem to hear about the fact that there were many black slave traders selling their own people not only to America but any country that would pay for them, I'am guessing even being slaves they had a better life than where they came from!!! :tongue:tongue:tongue


Well Known Member
You are not alone Carmine, we never seem to hear about the fact that there were many black slave traders selling their own people not only to America but any country that would pay for them, I'am guessing even being slaves they had a better life than where they came from!!! :tongue:tongue:tongue
Why cant we send them back


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Civil wise, I do believe there are statue of limitations on when you can file a lawsuit. Now they want to go back 250 plus years to remedy a wrong. You have to be kidding me. What kind of bullshit is that?? I don't think it will ever pass. I truly hope not. But, you get some clowns who try and get away with anything they can. They just love playing that race card. Talk about dividing the country, if this ever did pass, it just might be the trigger that starts a long overdue revolution. Too much of this crap has gone on for too long. The Civil War as mentioned in thread #18, let us not forget that about 500,000 soldiers on both sides, lost their lives. Not sure how the casualties break down, but many, many white Union soldiers were killed freeing the slaves. They already paid a terrific price. Some, who proclaim whites to be prejudice and racist, seem to forget that little detail. Seriously, how much is enough?? It's just annoys me to no end to think someone would even consider this. They are either the most ignorant people or have a set of ca-hones that hang by their knees, Carmine.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Let's see- been little quiet lately. I'll try and be concise. Let's examine American history as it happened.not the leftist revisionist version. The Civil War was fought over slavey.500,000 fatalities. President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Slavery in the USA ended at that time,1864 or so.(100 years later, we had the 409.)The earliest ancestors of mine that I know about migrated to this country from Germany around the 1890's.They never owned slaves. Now, some 150+ yes, some fool gets on TV and screams that they are owed something because of that?well, I've got news for that. I who never owned a slave,from an ancestry that never owned slaves,so I don't owe somebody who never was a slave any reparations. Got that,jesse and al and louie? If you got a real job,you'd never have time to play this stupid game of yours and the whole world would be better off. Besides, entitlement programs destroy the work ethic, and that results in a far more insidious form of slavery and ownership to another than you're smart enough to ever understand.Carmine, keep the participation in this forum coming. That's called the free exercise of the First Amendment.