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Supporting Member 6
Listen up America.
I don’t give a damn if you are black, white, Mexican, Asian, purple, or green.
I don’t give a damn if you voted for Trump, Hillary, or your cat.
I don’t give a damn if you are gay, straight, 42 different genders, or if you identify as a Parakeet on Monday and a milkshake on Friday.
On Memorial day every single one of you has the right to be whoever and whatever you want because men and women gave their life.
A complete stranger took a bullet for YOU.
They did not ask your political party, sexual orientation, race or religion. Men and women came before us and fought so that we could live in a land that allowed us to arm ourselves, play dress up, create wealth, and be as weird or as normal as we wanted.
On memorial day WE THE PEOPLE (every single one of you) should show respect and honor to those who have come before us, and those who have paid the ultimate price so that we can live in the greatest country on earth and have the freedom to do and be whatever the hell we want.
To every soul that’s served, THANK YOU, your efforts and sacrifices were not in vein.

I can't take credit for this, but I couldn't not share it.
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