adjusting Rochester carb on 340hp 409 engine


Guys how do I properly adjust my carb? Has a new kit, vacuum guage reads normal and my accelerator pump squirting fine. Hesitation on takeoff and engine dies. Any info will help, thx guys.


I wanted to go all original so I can use my original air breather and the glass fuel bowl that sits right in your way when your adjusting air fuel mixture screws on carb. Had an eldelbrock on there and never had problems. Smh, Any ideas on what I should do? Its original 340 hp 409, intake and exhaust manifolds. Just want to cruise it and hear that 409 purr once in a while. Just seems like it went downhill after i installed original rochester carb, IDK.

Don Jacks

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 3
:bangThis is a long shot,but,on some of those 4gc' is possible to install the gasket between the float bowl and base plate upside down causing many of the problems you are having.It happened to me once,but that was in the late sixties.Dont remember the details.The only other thing I can think of is a defective carb,sand hole in casting somewhere?parts warped?:dunno


Cool thx, going to remove it and thoroughly inspect it and all that good jazz. Im going to install the edelbrock for now just to drive it.