Blocking of heat passage


Hi to all. For a street engine, is it best to block off the heat passage under the manifold, and who would carry the plates for the Felpro gaskets? This is for a 409 with the 583 heads and dual quad 881 manifold. Will be used in a '32 Ford with 4-speed and intown cruising. Thanx


Supporting Member 1

Hello, I've been blocking off the heat passage since the sixties on 348's. I just go to the local hardware store and pick up a thin sheet of copper and trim it to fit. Never a problem burning through or leaking. You could give it a coat of header paint also if you plan to never pull the intake in your lifetime. I also have always run a 160 thermostat on my early 58 348's. Don't know what insulating carb gaskets are out there to use on 4 barrels.Anybody? Used to run a pair of 409 AFB's on a 425 Olds back in 72 in Minnesota , so with the heat passage blocked in cold weather I recommend a manual choke if you need one. Takes a lot longer to get an electric choke to come off in cold weather without the extra heat. I would be glad to install for you and test drive for a year if you need help!!


Thanx Dave. I live in El Paso so cold weather is never a problem. This QB motor is new to me and I may need a pilot. My current build is a 33 Chev 5 window with a 385 Fastburn (won Goodguys 2006 National Champion Homebuilt Vehicle). I think the '32 with an 09 will be a strong running street rod.