Border wall


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Might sound unfeeling and crass but you weren't invited to come by most people in this Country at least conservatives and you climbed the wall on your own accord.! Live with it!! But I'm certain there's a group formulating plans right now to sue Trump over this as we speak!


63 dream'n

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What do these idiots want…….If you choose to climb you do so at your own risk ……. just like at any amusement park…… you have people who climb skyscrapers just to say they did it ……if it’s illegal for you to come here then you shouldn’t be climbing the walls …….I can’t stand these effing people…… yeah it’s Trump’s fault because he said he can’t climb it


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Only the ignorant of our society believes Trump put up a border wall. The border has had some form of wall for 50 years or longer. Other Presidents, both left and right have added, rebuilt etc the border wall. Trump continued this program, all be it more flamboyantly, however he really did nothing other presidents left and right haven't done.


Why climb a wall at all? biden and cabal have the front door open! Come on in, bring the whole family! Pick up your free cell phone and EBT cards too!


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Supporting Member 6
Why climb a wall at all? biden and cabal have the front door open! Come on in, bring the whole family! Pick up your free cell phone and EBT cards too!

That is puzzling but I think they have a grand plan Bob. You climb the wall and you get hurt it catapults you to the head of the line, you get a nice plush free ride to a hospital and you get to preadmission to all the benefits that the Rats and the catholic Charities provide (this includes a place to live rent free until you're well with no time limit) on the backs of the U.S. taxpayer. You get out of the hospital and paperwork is already signed to take Trump to court for you getting hurt on his wall with a Rat provided shyster lawyer!





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It's too bad the Pube party doesn't have dedicated conservative news sources like the Rats have to drive this immigrant problem home and poke fun at these idiots!



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Wow, look at that! BLM has been infiltrated by WLM what's this world coming to?



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Supporting Member 6
Here you go! The Rats think they have the answer to gun violence! You just take away the guns from law abiding people! They'll just come and kick your door in and take your guns!!! But just like this tragedy they let these killers roam free with their stolen firearms and do nothing about it so they can go on to their next killing! But they'll come to your house without warrant and beat your door in take your guns!



Will we ever deport these leeches or will we be afraid of hurting someone's feelings? I'd bet they are all here to stay!


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Since BitezMe is breaking several laws with letting this open border stay open and transporting illegals across the nation with the use of federal dollars, and letting these children work in foreign car factories in Alabama I would think this is what will get Biden in trouble with the law! When the Pubes take over and any rights granted to this scum can and should be taken away and then deport them, it's time to start playing hardball with the Rats, it's the only thing they'll understand!!
