California approves reparations


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Hi everyone. I normally don't like to comment on things like this because it can cause a little stress and grief in my life, but I just can't help myself. I just read that California approved repartitions for those descendants of slaves. They just don't know how much or how to go about it. California, like many states I'm sure, doesn't have 2 nickles to rub together, their gas is $6-$7 per gallon, they are on the verge of bankruptcy every couple years, and yet they want to keep giving things (money) away. Did anyone ever tell these brain dead idiots, California never had slaves?? That's what I read. Six hundred thousand people died in the Civil War. Many, many, many were white Union soldiers who gave up their life to abolish slavery. There's your repartitions. There isn't a person alive today who had anything to do with slavery. BTW, I'm totally opposed to slavery. One man can not own and enslave another. What were they thinking?? It was so wrong. But don't feed me this crap that something is owed. That debt has been paid many times over. If they seriously want repartitions, go after those African tribes that sold their own brethren to the slave traders. If not for them, maybe this might not have happened. IDK. No, they won't do that. It would be too difficult and an admission of guilt. It's much easier to take from us. This crap really sickens me. You folks in California are going to take it on the chin again. But, you'll have company. From what I read, other states are also considering this too. I'm sure NY is too far behind. That tree house in the Amazon jungle looks more enticing all the time. Stay healthy. Stay well. Stay safe. Peace always, Carmine.


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Unfortunately, none of it matters. Any reasonable person could not and does not support slavery. All the things done in the past from the Civil War, the 14th amendment, affirmative action, etc mean nothing to the people who claim they are owed reparations. People will have to pay for something they did not do or support, to someone that did not have it done to them. The question I have is, after the reparations are paid, ( supposedly to make amends for the wrongs inflicted ) then what? No amount of money paid for reparations will change the minds of the people receiving them. How they feel today, is exactly how they will feel after receiving reparations. The only thing that might change is the anger of the people who did nothing having to pay. That's going to make for great community relations. The left will stop at nothing to divide the people of this country.

1958 delivery

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Hi everyone. I normally don't like to comment on things like this because it can cause a little stress and grief in my life, but I just can't help myself. I just read that California approved repartitions for those descendants of slaves. They just don't know how much or how to go about it. California, like many states I'm sure, doesn't have 2 nickles to rub together, their gas is $6-$7 per gallon, they are on the verge of bankruptcy every couple years, and yet they want to keep giving things (money) away. Did anyone ever tell these brain dead idiots, California never had slaves?? That's what I read. Six hundred thousand people died in the Civil War. Many, many, many were white Union soldiers who gave up their life to abolish slavery. There's your repartitions. There isn't a person alive today who had anything to do with slavery. BTW, I'm totally opposed to slavery. One man can not own and enslave another. What were they thinking?? It was so wrong. But don't feed me this crap that something is owed. That debt has been paid many times over. If they seriously want repartitions, go after those African tribes that sold their own brethren to the slave traders. If not for them, maybe this might not have happened. IDK. No, they won't do that. It would be too difficult and an admission of guilt. It's much easier to take from us. This crap really sickens me. You folks in California are going to take it on the chin again. But, you'll have company. From what I read, other states are also considering this too. I'm sure NY is too far behind. That tree house in the Amazon jungle looks more enticing all the time. Stay healthy. Stay well. Stay safe. Peace always, Carmine.

First of all I think reparations are a total crock. However you Carmine need to fact check yourself in other regards. Your state may not have any nickels to rub. Calif has $75 Billion budget surplus so newsom has plenty to play with. Unfortunate it came out of someones pocketbook, probably the stupid shxt gas tax. Now the rest of the nation can follow Newsom's lead


Well Known Member
It's just another way to ensure a welfare state. I'm sure repartations will be permenant just like welfare. Another way to increase the amount of democrat voters. The left side of the Government is always looking for a way to increase the amount of deadbeats they can take care of. Sit at home, cash your check, get fat in front of the TV, Destroy your mind with pot, and shutup and die . Just what the left wants.

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
It's just another way to ensure a welfare state. I'm sure repartations will be permenant just like welfare. Another way to increase the amount of democrat voters. The left side of the Government is always looking for a way to increase the amount of deadbeats they can take care of. Sit at home, cash your check, get fat in front of the TV, Destroy your mind with pot, and shutup and die . Just what the left wants.

Just look at how well things worked out for the Native Americans.......:winner:winner:winner

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Im waiting for war reparations for War of 1812, Granada and that spat we had with Canada over that little piece that sticks up above minnesota. I want my damn money!!

That's just ridiculous Brad. Good luck. I'm still waiting for the money from the lawsuit when one of my relatives stepped off the Mayflower and broke his leg.................:winner:winner:winner


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Supporting Member 6
Why aren't you two out burning cities and looting to get your point across?:unsure:

Bob you need to start playing with some BIG cats that wear spiked collars and other accessories then head yersef on down to D.C. and chew some azzwholes!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Why aren't you two out burning cities and looting to get your point across?:unsure:
Because it's only allowed for groups who vote democrat. After 4 years of protest, arson, looting, assault, murdering cops, taking over city blocks, police stations etc. the people on the other side decide to do the same thing. The left were not only allowed to, but were supported by most democrat and liberal elected officials in their rampage and anger. However you see how it turned out for the people on the other side. All of the sudden it was a national crisis. The world was coming to an end.