campbells soup commercial

409 lever

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has anyone seen the commercial with the homos? WTF is going on with America? do they think that helps them sell soup.

409 lever

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i personally drink then hunt,, more of a challenge. how are those Georgia quail tastin? I cant imagine what the future holds for us. liberals a fancy word for communism.:furious


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So here is the problem. It isn't just Campbell's, it is so many and so much more than that. On the computer playing MSN games. Marriot/Fairfield hotels. First commercial, 2 guys on a couch. Second commercial, 2 guys on a couch with a little girl and little boy giving you the impression they are this wonderful family ( not like most heterosexual's are any better by the way ) Yes I can go into it if necessary. Some thoughts first that some here will not agree with, but that is ok, we are all not the same, and I am not some punk on a college campus demanding you give me what I want or see it my way or lose your job. I believe that stick and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me like I was taught. Now it is, sticks and stones will break my bone but a liberal and weak minded piece of garbage will always be offended. I have never cared about gays, blacks, interracial marriages or dating, religion, all the so called things white men hate etc. I just don't care. Do your thing, but, don't tell me I have to like or agree with it.

There has been a push for quite some time now. That push, by the liberals and their media, is guy on guy homosexuality. Why do I say that? Because a large part of men in America, and women ( I know America is a dirty word these days ) have accepted girl on girl homosexuality. Whether it be fantasy or not caring. However the male on male has not been excepted by main stream society. So the push has been to flood the media, ( sitcoms, commercials, movies, radio, etc. ) with guy on guy homosexuality. So you may think I am nuts. Maybe I am. I would love to be proven wrong. I challenge you to look at all the shows you watch. TV, TV sitcoms especially, News, Movies, Radio, written publications, commercials, etc, Tell me how many times there is a gay person in them. Then think about the percentage of gay people versus our population. Please let me help you, almost all. It is so obvious it is sickening. Now again, my last boss was gay, no problem here. Still like and respect her, and she is a good fisherwoman. My cousin is gay, no problem here. I have known gays since the early 70's, no problem, but I did have to tell Bill to not hit on me, and Wayne when I was getting my accounting degree to also simply stop hitting on me. Where the problem is, is the agenda put forth by the militant gays. At all cost, they want to tell you how you should think feel and act. What happened to freedom of speech and religion????? Many people will tell you that our television programs, government, etc, should represent our society. Ok, lets talk about that. Why is most Basketball, Baseball, and Football teams primarily Black? Why is it if Blacks are only at best 15% of the population, I see them on every show? Why is it when Gay people are only at best 1-2 %, and that is a major stretch, why do I see them on almost every show I watch? Actually there is almost no show where I don't see a gay person.

What it comes down to is brainwashing of America. We say freedom of speech is protected in the US. Really??????? If you are insulated you may still have most of your freedom of speech. However God help you if you are in certain jobs. Just let it be known you have a different opinion, or worse a different political point of view, and watch how the animals will come for you. These animals are from all races, sexes, religions, sexuality etc. Some are scared if they don't say something, those others will come for them and they will lose their jobs etc., so they too come for you. They form protest, and boycotts. However when a conservative boycott is established, it racist, or homophobic, or anti immigrant. How stupid is that. I don't personally know of any anti immigrant conservatives. I do know a whole lot of anti """"" ILLEGAL ******** immigration conservatives. The point is """"" ILLEGAL""""", not immigrant. So the Campbell's commercial is one of only a small amount of what is being pushed on this country. Gays should be left alone, but they should also leave straights alone also. Just live your life and leave others alone and we will all be fine. That is unless you mess with the fine 409, then you are a racist, homophobic, anti semitic, American hating religious piece of garbage. OOOPSSS


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Campbell's Soup, is in the news again, today.:doh It appears they are recalling 135,000 cans of Spaghetti-O's. Red plastic, from the lids, migrating, into the food. They say, it isn't harmful.:dunno Well, here we go, again. Everything is OK.:bat:bang

409 lever

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I get the campbells connection now,,, eating campbells spaghetti-o= choking hazard, being a sword swallowing buttnutt = choking hazard.,,,it is pretty clear now.


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:doh:laugh:laugh2:laughingGlad, I never liked Creme Of Mushroom Soup. :yuckWho knows, what the hell, is really in it.:sick2:barf2:barf


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So much disgusting here that I'm just going to walk away and let you and your bigotry have a wonderful life together.

Fathead Racing

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Have you ever noticed that the people screaming the most for tolerance or only tolerant of people with the same views as theirs?

Obnxs1, please explain where you see the bigotry please.
This is my observation also. Ask yourself this, is homosexuality normal? Or is it a form of mental illness? I do not hold any ill will towards one sexual orientation. I just don't want it shoved down my throat. Pun intended.


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Fathead, that is the problem. These so called love and include everyone, freedom of speech, keep the government out of my life, etc. democrats and liberals refuse to allow people to have their own opinions. Then they call names and label people with ism's and racist, etc., because they really don't have a logical response. I have said the same thing you have said. I don't have a problem with gay people, however I don't like the militant agenda being prosecuted by them at this time. However, according liberals and democrats, you are not allowed to have an opinion different from theirs. They will shout you down, ruin your job or reputation if possible, call you names, etc. This all from the peace loving all inclusive, freedom of speech protecting generation, that are now old rich in positions of power to force people into the things they so called fought against ( that is if you consider sitting around smoking weed and complaining about things fighting ) What a bunch of hypocrites.


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This whole thread has been nothing but gay bashing; hell that was the whole point of the post.

Hate a person for what they are, not WHO they are, that's bigotry. Get it now?

Just like the people who hate me for being a gun owner. Or a fiscal conservative. Or an Atheist. Or for being a "privileged" white male. And calling me a liberal? That's a good one because the liberals hate me.

Newsflash, women can vote, blacks aren't property, and gays just want to have the same lives as anyone else.


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No one said women cant vote or should not be able to. Where was that in the conversation and why are you bringing it into it? No one said anything about blacks being property ( I would have said something to someone who said that. Again, why are you bringing this into the conversation when no one has said anything about that. Only a crazy person could think it was ok to own another human ) No one has said gays should not have the same lives as everyone else. What Gays should not have, along with everyone else is special treatment because of their sexuality. Is not the sexuality the only difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals? The redirection of the conversation is typical liberal democrat dogma, although you say you are not a liberal, and even if you are, that is ok too. People have the right not to like things. At least that is what is said in this country. I don't care if you are liberal or conservative. I consider myself a liberal conservative. We should be able to have a civilized conversation, but that doesn't mean people are going to agree. You called people a bigot first. You should stop that name calling. The comments were based on, the constant gays on commercials and other media. There is no doubt that it is not a coincidence. It is an agenda and brainwashing to push one person's opinion on another. More so, being told that people have to accept and like it. As long as they are not actively trying to harm them in any way, they have the right not to like it. A comment on some internet board isn't harming anyone. Remember the sticks and stones saying you were taught as a kid? Again as stated above. I don't have a problem with gay people. I do have a problem with gays that think they deserve special treatment. Or that gays think that everyone has to like their lifestyle. What if I liked having sex with sheep? Would you support my right to do so? Would you support my right to put that on TV? Would you protect my rights and call these people bigots because they think I am wrong? Technically you are part of a bigoted group. Are you not partial to 409's and impalas. If you really have the 409 bug, you see all other engines differently. Is that not a little bigoted? You, like other's here, have the right to different views. I hope that when they come up, we can discuss them like adults, hell you might even change someone's mind, but you will never do that without a logical conversation without name calling. Party on Garth, ....... and away we go............... :winner


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Hey Adam, lets put things into perspective,

1. put all lesbians on an island with full economies so they produce food and be productive, all male contact forbidden.
2. put all poofters (fags whatever) on another island with full economies so they produce food and be productive, all female contact forbidden.

Lets see how long both islands last, I would suggest at a bare minimum, bearing in mind all parties must be adults of consenting age, all would die out within a generation. I am not religious, I am an Athiest, I have no problems with what peoples colours are. But I do have a problem with the Welfare class pushing that buggery is a normal part of life, clearly it is not otherwise a guy reaming another guy would produce a child, not a soggy shit.


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1 - My last sentence was an analogy meant as a commentary to highlight the absurdity of the OBVIOUS hate in this thread for a class of people.

2 - That type of hate is bigotry, pure and simple.

3 - Where did I ever say anyone didn't have the right to be a small minded bigot? Nowhere. As a matter of fact, I will DEFEND your right to be as small minded as you'd like. However, I have the right to call you, or anyone else, on it.

4 - Since my politics seem to matter to so many in this thread, here they are. I'm a straight down the middle Libertarian. I believe in complete personal freedom and personal rights PROVIDED they don't infringe on another's. I think our current government is a joke and corrupt on BOTH sides. And finally, that my money belongs to me alone; I shouldn't be forced to pay for someone else because the government deems it necessary. If you'd like to make me out to be a Liberal for that, then feel free. However, I won't hold my breath waiting for my invitation to show up to the Democratic Party.

5 - If you really fail to see the hate and bigotry in this thread...well, I can't help you other than point out it started out with a rail against "homos", then homosexuality was called a mental illness, and just now we've seen "poofters", "fags", and pretty much a whole post of disgusting. And again, perfectly within their rights to be just as bigoted and disgusting as they'd like. But also within my rights to point it out. And if me calling someone out as a bigot, when it's quite obvious, is name calling, then so be it. Seems logical enough to me but that's just my opinion.


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Adam, we actually agree more than you think. I may have gone too much into the conversation, however my real point is the agenda behind the media blitz. That is what bothers me. I say that about most things though. No one is any more special than anyone else in my book. So when I see people based on their sexuality, race, color, religion, etc. being promoted as something special because of those attributes it disgust me. I have never once got up in the morning and looked in the mirror and said, I am better than someone else because I am a white male. Not once. There are things I don't like but I don't run around shoving it down others throats. That is the real issue here for me. Being told I have to accept or like something. It is actually funny, because of this PC world and the sickening things that are going on, I am changing my views of things that I never really cared about, and am starting to see them in a negative light. Talk about pushing away your fan base.