Conservatives are evil


Carrying on where biden left off. These people are INSANE!!! They keep talking like this and we WILL be at war!



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Supporting Member 6
You're right BOB there upping the Anty, I think that's what they're trying to get us to do and it's working! I hear after BitzeMe's speech they started getting death threats, yep, the right fringe is falling right in line, doing just what the Dems want them to do! They receive enough of these they'll just call out the Guard or military out on the whole lot of us and then the economy will really pick up because of all the new penitentiaries they'll have to build to house all MAGA voters, at least the ones they didn't assassinate!



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This is the introduction to a 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, The Running Man. I started watching it today because I was feeling brain dead. I only lasted 20 minutes. What really bad movie. I found some of intro text interesting though. Some seemed to have came fruition.

By 2017 the world economy has collapsed. Food, natural resources and
oil are in short supply.
A police state, divided into paramilitary
zones, rules with an iron hand. Television is controlled by the state
and a sadistic game show called "The Running Man" has become the most
popular program in history. All art, music and communications are
censored. No dissent is tolerated and yet a small resistance movement
has managed to survive underground. When high-tech gladiators are not
enough to suppress the people's yearning for freedom......more direct
methods become necessary.


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Supporting Member 6
This is the third time the Commie has threatened American voters I believe! Yep, I think the Rat party has just thrown down the gauntlet and is their way of calling us out! Next step signing one of those Presidential orders (it sucks cause he's only an occupier not the President) to come and steal our guns trying to provoce a fight! Then the Rats will think that they're justified with this action!!!!!!!
