Crazy cat thread


Well Known Member
I was gonna mention that Clint but. Where did you find him/her at a breeder or did you get real lucky at a rescue center how old might it be? I would really like to have a Bengal but they were way to expensive thought I'd like to have a Mane Coon too but there again big bucks.

We lucked out. My wife's friend is moving and can not take the cat with her... He is 8


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Supporting Member 6

2 wheel drive then, at least your furniture will be safe. We use to do the conversion on our cats because they were inside cats only but the last two got to keep their AWD capability and the furniture suffered for it. I got my Calico from a rescue Shelter and if you told them you were going to have their front claws removed they would tell you to move on.





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Supporting Member 6
:cloudLove, Orange Cats.

Skip I think Uncle Bob is flush with Yeller Hitty Hats and the adoption process wouldn't take long at all.:D We had this one orange tabby quite a few

years ago that was pretty cool. I was sitting on the back porch steps one day and here come this half grown yellow tabby and he came up on the porch and sat down about a foot away from me and he did this sideway scoot until he was right up against me and until he got used to me this is how he would approach me so I called him Scooter.:D You could do anything with Scooter he was completely comfortable being handled so I took advantage of it, I had a couple routines I use to do with him I would put his hunkers in my hand and let him lean back against my shoulder

and he let his front legs & paws hang down and he looked just like a Murre Cat when they stand up on their rear feet. And the other routine I did with him was the running Murre Cat routine. I would put his front paws in one hand and his hunkers in the other hand and then I would move my hands back and forth and it would make him look like he was running and he didn't mind one bit he was a pretty cool cat.

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