Democraps being very Disrespectful to Trump at the State of the Union


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Lets see what the left comes up with now, because it is not going to stop. I think the most interesting thing if President Trump is re-elected this year will be what investigations and possible second impeachment they try to come up with. I don't care for how President Trump conducts business, ( not necessarily what he does ) however I am definitely voting for him ( not like it matters in California ) just to see if the left can stoop to a lower level than they have already. The actions of the elected left says a lot about the morals and values of the people who support them.

Junkman 104

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KY Jelly and Fixodent.:doh:roll

Judging from all the weird looks she was getting on her face at the SOTU it looks like she was using the KY in her mouth so things would slide in there easier from all the frequent use from all her years in office making deals and probably use the Fix a Dent down in the basement because of all the broken parts on the old bag.
