
1958 delivery

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You know, if I owned a big family friendly institution like that, i would make the accusations from the left work for me. I would advertise it as a family friendly place to bring your family where your sons and daughters would be safe. Reverse psychology by making the politically correct accusations backfire on them would be hysterical!!
Hey, how about a big Father's Day promotion where all fathers can be admitted free with their families! Proof of paternity not required.After all nobody would take somebody else kids there for the whole day!!
Another thing. Your race,religion,sexual preferences and politics are all your business. Those characteristics should have nothing to do with work.It's not your bosses' business what you do, who you do, how you do it and what you like. Don't take something that shouldn't be polarizing and make it an issue with the rest of the people who don't want to be involved in the personal business of others.You are being paid to do your job. Don't bring it to work and make a problem for your employer and others who have nothing to do with it. In short, you mind your own business,I'll mind mine, and let's not have your business away from the workplace interfere with the rights of your employer and your co workers.
Next, we'll hear that a demonstration occurred outside the art department demanding that Mickey Mouses' tail needs to be pink.

No, they'll put breasts on Mickey


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For what it cost to get into this dump why were they given special tax status? I guess it falls into the same bracket where taxpayers pay to have the sports stadiums built then they grease the ever lovin $hit out of the taxpayers when they go to watch the games and greased again when they buy food and beer!



Well Known Member
What does "Self Governing" mean? They police and judge themselves? So those pedophiles and child rapes at Disney were not investigated and prosecuted by law enforcement?

1958 delivery

Well Known Member
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I don't know much about it but was reading today that it will cost Fla taxpayers a bundle because Disney is able to keep it in high debt since they just offset it with earnings from the park so the local county will have to assume all the current debt


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Disney better hire Bidens Easter Bunny as sheriff

I have questions about this bunny, it's mouth is always open and it's always looking up, what gives, is there kinky $hit going on at the Whitehouse and the weirdos within!!


Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15
I don't know much about it but was reading today that it will cost Fla taxpayers a bundle because Disney is able to keep it in high debt since they just offset it with earnings from the park so the local county will have to assume all the current debt

Not understanding about...."Disney keeping it in high debt"????


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What Disney has done for that part of Florida in revenue, job's and growth are second too none.

Osceola county was a swamp and nothing more than gator's, snakes, bears and every other kind of animal known too man.

Disney connected Kissimmee with Orlando and is thriving in Tourism.

The property and surrounding property is still swamp and undeveloped or maybe can't ever be developed.

The families that sold the property to the holding companies were grateful Disney came along because they thought no one would ever buy it.

I don't care what state your from that kind of development and growth comes with tax incentives.

I think Desantis' is a good governor but what he's trying too do now is vindictive and is going too bite him in the A## he is not a Trump just a what to be Trump!!!!!!!


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Iowa so how many years of agriculture and farming subsidizing are there in your part of our great country and how many years of tax incentives is enough?

What Disney does in job's and tourism makes it possible for those living in central Florida able too have a good living. And if Disney was in Iowa they would get the same incentives from your state government.

Disney pay's 100M+ in property taxes in Florida, with Desantis new vindictive plan local tax payer's are going too take a hit at 1B added too their property tax bill.
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