Food for thought


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Hi everyone. As the title suggest, some food for thought. President Trump isn't waiting for Mattis to retire in Feb. 2019. He terminated his employment earlier. I believe Jan. 1st 2019. He named a deputy director of the Defense Dept. as an acting director until one can be found on a more permanent basis. This acting director was previously an executive with the Boeing Corp. This brings me to my point. Whether acting or not, even moreso someone permanent, shouldn't they have some background in the military?? I think they should. I was very happy with Mattis. Four star Marine Corp. general. Politics is what it is, but I really feel a military background should be a prerequisite to that position. That position is one of the most, if not the most, important cabinet positions; at least to me. I'm not suggesting that they all have to be a retired many starred general, but something in this arena is needed. It's just not Trump. I think the majority of past Presidents have put people in this position with little to no military experience. LBJ with McNamara who I believe was an executive with a large corp. before taking on the job. Cohen. Gates. Panetta. I don't think they had much, maybe not any, military experience. I think Colin Powell might have been the exception. I would just feel much more comfortable with someone with military experience.
Now, the second part of this is, you as President, hand pick and go through a vetting process with this potential cabinet member. Hopefully it's a good choice, but you don't listen to them or take their advice. Of course you don't have to, but why bother to have them to begin with then?? Then they quit in protest. On military matters, I would take Mattis's advice anyday over Trumps. That's something I don't think I'll ever understand or agree with, Carmine.


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Would venture to say that anyone from the military is programmed from their training for conflict. It’s what they do. Not saying it’s bad, just the way things are. There is also peace through military strength. The key is to find the balance. Trump is keeping another of his campaign promises with the withdrawal from Syria. Can’t say I totally agree, but I don’t know all of the facts. We’re willing to protect other countries borders, and yet leave ourselves open to all kinds of border problems. It costs 70K per illegal immigrant that crosses our border. I email my Senators and congressman just about daily to voice what I think. Everyone should do likewise. Especially If they are demoncratic. Don’t just sit back and do nothing.


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It costs 70K per illegal immigrant that crosses our border. .

Where did you get the $70k number? Haven't seen any papers or articles that estimate that number. I would like to read the paper.


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I don't really care how much the illegals are costing us. It's too much. We have borders and we have laws. Enforce them. Make believe we are in a 3rd world country giving them aid.
Totally agree. Take care of our legal citizens first. Then when everyone gets the proper attention and something is leftover, we can share. How in the good Lords name, do we cater to illegals over those born here?? If they weren't here illegally to begin with, it wouldn't be a problem for others, Carmine.


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Totally agree. Take care of our legal citizens first. Then when everyone gets the proper attention and something is leftover, we can share. How in the good Lords name, do we cater to illegals over those born here?? If they weren't here illegally to begin with, it wouldn't be a problem for others, Carmine.

Because the Democrats believe that they are going to vote Democratic every time, based on all the things that the Democrat party pushes through Congress, and is signed into law by past Democratic Presidents. If I were to pay you weekly, give you food and medical care, all for free, wouldn't you vote to keep me in office? After all, I am the person that doles all this out. The Democrats want to control our lives, and they are starting with the most vulnerable, the illegal immigrants, and they young children. All this started in the early 1960's under President Johnson, and his belief of "The Great Society", where everything is free for those who don't work. If you were to all up all the costs of the social programs out there for the illegals, you would see the real cost of illegal immigration. It doesn't happen, because the people that report the news, almost always went to liberal colleges, and were indoctrinated in the liberal thinking of the professors.


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Where did you get the $70k number? Haven't seen any papers or articles that estimate that number. I would like to read the paper.

Believe it was reported on Fox News. Figuring all the free entitlements such as medical, food, housing, education and more is where that figure comes from. Why anyone in their right mind wouldn’t want secure borders is unconscionable. That’s why everyone needs to contact their congressional representatives everyday telling them how you feel. You need to especially do this if you’re representatives are demoncrats and you tell them you and your family and 20 buddies in the neighborhood will never vote for them again.


1958 delivery

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They don't get free food, housing just because, where do you guys come up with this. Medical, maybe if it's emergency room and prenatal, education, yes, public schools won't turn any kid away. Most illegals, and there's a lot of them here, try to stay under the radar. They rent garages for $2000/mo from slum lords, lawn sheds for $400/mo to live in, in shxt neighborhoods. The only way they get food stamps and such is with forged documents.


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I know here in the great American give away state of NY, where I live, a program called Section 8 Housing, is pretty popular. I do believe it might be a federal program and maybe you'd find it in other states also. It's my understanding that this program will pay some, if not all of your rent. Of course it's in area's you wouldn't house your dog. Slum lords. Ghettos. Not sure what you have to do to qualify. Be a citizen or show some type of proof you're here legally. Food stamps, Medicaid, again not sure what the qualifications are. Here in NY, and it might be the same throughout the country, hospitals are mandated to treat people regardless of anything else, for free. They can't refuse you treatment. They will do the minimal necessary and bill you. Lots of luck collecting that, Carmine.


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Thanks, Fuzz for the info. I'm assuming the $70k number is from Here's an interesting article from CATO regarding illegal immigration costs which CATO believe way overestimates the costs. If you aren't familiar with CATO, CATO is a libertarian think tank, which most consider a pretty conservative organization. Looks to be a thorough analysis of the net impact to federal, state, and local budgets and a response to the paper which FOX may have used as a source to the $70k number. If you lean libertarian, they have some interesting material.

Before you launch into me posting against the grain, I completely agree with the need to address illegal immigration, but I'm also a businessman and like to make decisions based on facts. That's why I'm interested in the $70k number and here's another reason why. Imagine you are running a business running a huge deficit, and it is going to take some effort to eliminate that deficit, and there are two areas of concern. The first generates 50% of the debt and the second 1%. Which one should get the most attention? Based on my experience, the focus needs to be on the area generating 50% and I want to know is illegal immigration in the 50% bucket or the 1% bucket. I want the US to significantly reduce deficit spending and focused on the areas which can make the most significant impact is the best strategy. In my opinion, illegal immigration is a ruse to distract the general population from the primary problem areas, unnecessary wars to protect corporate interests, tax incentives for already established businesses (corporate welfare), government over purchasing/paying from political donors, white collar and tax crimes that sap millions from the IRS while I pay my fair share. I also think there are better solutions than spending billions on a wall. Drone technology and electronic surveillance will be much more effective and cheaper. That's why I believe knowing the facts are crucial! In the next election, I'm voting for people focusing on areas that will make a difference based on facts.
