Hospital Stay


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Supporting Member 3
Went to the hospital last Saturday. Found out I had pancreatitis. Should'a went in the day before (bull headed man) BAD BACK pain. Went 3 days without ANY FOOD or liquid. One day on liquid. AWFUL. Then some small meals before leaving:dance Well I am out know and have been suffering from panic attacks :dunno getting better though. Won't be going back to work this week. I'm on a restricted diet for a little while, low fat and fiber.

Turns out I probably have had this before and just thought it was a back:doh. When to doc 2 time previous and was told it's ok "take 2 and call me":cussSo I never went back. I bet I have the 8 or 10 times in the last 5 years. Now I know

Phil Reed

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
Wow...................hope you can continue your recovery in a speedy manner.
Just promise me Thomas.............while you're home...........please don't get hooked on Dr. Oz and Oprah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Supporting Member 3
Wow...................hope you can continue your recovery in a speedy manner.
Just promise me Thomas.............while you're home...........please don't get hooked on Dr. Oz and Oprah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Oz is kinda cool

Ronnie Russell

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Supporting Member 2
Thomas, Sorry about the illness but sure is good to know you have the right diagnosis and treatment now. Keep on getting better.


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Thanks. I have to just calm down and get myself back to average. At any given moment I seem to fall apart. (this morning) I hope this is ok to print this. A friend of mine says it better sometimes to just talk to somebody you don't really know. This is about the only place I can just go to and start typing. Don't really have a "support group" and I seem to need it more than once a week. The friend I have is in the Huston area so that doesn't work so well. And I don't think my family knows. Wife does. Even if I could talk to some one, everyone is at work. I really don't know why I am typing this. Just something to do. I feel like I am just rambling. I've lost about 15 pounds. still look fat thought. I don't know why I said that.


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Ray it's good to see you on board again. I always wonder when someone stops posting what may have happened. (paranoia) I always wonder who will miss me if disappear.

Don Jacks

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:hugHi Thomas,Dont worry about "Rambling".You have friends here,most of us getting up there in years,even though we refuse to act like it,and we have all had to deal with one form of health issue or another.I hope and pray for things to settle down for you soon ,and can get back to normal.Don

Clyde Waldo

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Supporting Member 6
Thomas, As Don says most of us getting up there in years. You say that you don't really have a "support group" - well count me as one of your 348-409 support group. If you feel the want to type your feelings & post, I will read and if you need prayers I will pray. May you get better soon.

Ronnie Russell

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Supporting Member 2
Thomas, Your rambling is not rambling. To us, it is important information. And besides, if rambling is a bad thing, I would have been banished from this site long ago.


Well Known Member
Sorry to hear about your illness and hospital stay! I thought it may cheer you up a little to hear from someone else here that has and is having to deal with many of the same problems. I too am having issues with my Pancreas and have been since mid December. I got to spend 8 days in the joint eating ice chips etc. After several endoscopic proceedures, 5 CT scans, 2 MRI's, over 145 shots in the past 3 months, and a drain hanging out of me since January, I do know all about Pancreatitis being very painful and depressing. Next for me, is what I understand a pretty serious surgery next week or so.

Just take care of yourself and the best luck to you in your recovery.



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Ken, It does make a difference when some one like you knows something about what happened. Sounds like they did a lot more for you than me. I never know what to say to someone in pain, distress, or even sad. I try to hide. I try to HIDE everything. My biggest issue right now is anxiety now. Ken I am sure with the wonders of medicine ans the skill of the surgeons these days you come out on top. Gods speed

w ogden

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Tom, I would suggest that anxiety goes along with having a serious medical issue or an operation. Some of us have already been through it. I know that when I had my open heart surgery,which came as a big surprise to me, that I was kinda anxious for several months every time I would feel an unusual pain. Certian I was having the big one! LOL We all get through it in time. So if it is any solice to you many of us have been through this and have survived. Feel free to express yourself here as we are all good listeners. Hope you make a speedy recovery. You will be in our thougts. Walt


Supporting Member 1
I have had "panic attacks" for 10-15 years and I ain't that old. I went to the hospital many times, tests, e.r. room etc... I was never offically diagnosed. They told me there was nothing "physically" wrong with me. Well, I guess that leaves "mentally". I have learned over the years to deal with it when it starts to come on. I go to a familliar place, or a ride by myself. I have also found scents that I like help the best. Candles, air fresheners, cologne, all work. You will get better. Talk about it here if you like. If it makes you feel better, then it's working. Take care Thomas. One day at a time they say.


Supporting Member 1
I too try to hide everything. Emotions, joy, sadness, it all builds up after a while. Just let the emotions out, it helps. This is the most I have ever talked about it. I am a little embarassed to talk about it. Makes me feel weak, although I am not. I don't think so anyways.:)


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I too try to hide everything. Emotions, joy, sadness, it all builds up after a while. Just let the emotions out, it helps. This is the most I have ever talked about it. I am a little embarassed to talk about it. Makes me feel weak, although I am not. I don't think so anyways.:)
stop that bull sheet. i thought the same way when my late wife would fall or need help getting up. too proud to
ask for help. now i am paying for it with pinched nerves in neck and arthritis all over my back and shoulders.
us guys have to stop worrying about asking for help or show emotions. all that does is kill us. i have found that saying what is on my mind is fun. lost a lot of so called friends, but i have no regrets. jim

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Tom and Ken:

I find the best way to cope with all the demands and all the stress is to fire up one of my cars and just go out and have some fun. Always works for me! Try that once and a while and let us know how that works!



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Supporting Member 3
ok it's morning I seem to have trouble in the morning.

Walt I know people other than me have the same or simular symptoms as I am. Sometime it does help to know others. I know in side it will get better it has in the pass I just have to keep from doing something stupid. That part is mostly easy.
I have had "panic attacks" for 10-15 years and I ain't that old. I went to the hospital many times, tests, e.r. room etc... I was never offically diagnosed. They told me there was nothing "physically" wrong with me. Well, I guess that leaves "mentally". I have learned over the years to deal with it when it starts to come on. I go to a familliar place, or a ride by myself. I have also found scents that I like help the best. Candles, air fresheners, cologne, all work. You will get better. Talk about it here if you like. If it makes you feel better, then it's working. Take care Thomas. One day at a time they say.
I have a friend that had to move that has (had)them real bad took 6 pills a day and had a couple therapist to talk to. He helps but its on the phone. sometime i think need him here (that to much) even though he iritated the piss out of me sometimes. you hit the nail on the head with the emotions stuff.
stop that bull sheet. i thought the same way when my late wife would fall or need help getting up. too proud to
ask for help. now i am paying for it with pinched nerves in neck and arthritis all over my back and shoulders.
us guys have to stop worrying about asking for help or show emotions. all that does is kill us. i have found that saying what is on my mind is fun. lost a lot of so called friends, but i have no regrets. jim
you are right to Jim it is stuppid. I have time I just want to let it out but don't. Don't ask for help cause I'm just a burdon to others and I'm sure I can do it myself. If I say everything I think needs said there would be alot of upset people:rub can't really say it at work, got "pollicies" about that. :cuss:bat( dumb a$$ cry babies can't do the job right but don't want told when they do something wrong :cuss:bang maybe I would feel better I have to confess I am feeling a little better now than when I started typing this ramble. This mst be the longest note I 'v posted. Some day maybe i will understand, may even be able to return the good deed.