

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
$hit back in 03 me and my friend came up from San Antone on a Greyhound bus and the bus driver and us two were the only legal English speaking people on the bus and they were all going to NYC!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Here you go, and this is only one they caught! How many came across and are amassing somewhere just waiting for go ahead to hit us!! Alls I can say is arrest Biden crime syndicate and all responsible Rats for crimes against our Country , this is BULL$hit!!!!!!!!!!



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Supporting Member 2
The left and the WMD's are all the people who come to the US who only come to be here for what they can get, not to become actual proud US citizens that assimilate into the culture. Nothing wrong with legal immigration, but that is not what we have now. Most likely, not a shot will need to be fired, they will hand it over like the cowards the liberals and democrats are. It will be funny though. There will be no equality then. A very few will rule over almost everyone. They will be rich, and the rest will probably have a little above a subsistence level with little to no voice. They are voting in their own demise :lmao


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Supporting Member 6

Load them back up in buses if they don't have legal citizenship, and take them back to Mexico and tell them that they best go home!! And not pay any attention to the DeMon Rats when they start calling you a racist for wanting to follow the law!!

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Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
They bused and flew the illegals in, they can sure and the F fly and bus them out and drop them right in the Wetbacks laps, they're the ones that let them proceed when they came across their border!!!



When it's our "leaders" that are encouraging this, it's no wonder mexico isn't stopping anything. They are probably sending plenty themselves.


Why the people of this country are not uprising this insanity truly amazes me. We should all be at the border hand in hand making a human chain to stop this SHIT!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6

Quit sending money to the Commie country Ukraine, and put the money they were asking for in a deport illegal alien fund! And then wait for the day we can start shipping them back to Mexico!! And as soon as this is done, we tell the Mexicans they're your problem now don't let them Cross the border again cause we won't ask so nice the next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
