

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Mike O'Halloran lives in Pearl River, Louisiana and that area got hit pretty hard by Katrina. I tried calling him when it looked like he might be in the path, but no answer - maybe they had already evacuated. Of course there's no communications into there now.

Anyone know anything about him or anyone else on the Forum that may need our help?

By the way - a couple of us thought we'd pack our car trailers with whatever we could take down there to help out and spend a week working. A long story short - don't even think about it. Some friends from Tampa had the same idea and they were not warmly received. They said not only is travel in the area difficult and dangerous, but that they left after they were confronted by what sounded like just plain bandits.

- Michael

Ronnie Russell

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Michael, Dan ( b-d409) talked to Mike after hurricane and was told Mike and his family are safe. Mikes home sustained minor damage. No communication in the last few days but we hope he is still safe.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
That's a relief. Thanks. I have been supposed to call him back for about a month. Poor guy probably thinks I forgot him.

Anybody have any news about other members?

Bubbletop Bel-Air

Well Known Member
I spoke to Mike last night about 7:00 PM his time. I received a call from Dan on Tuesday, telling me that Mike was OK, had been trying to call him ever since, finally did a web search for Pearl River and found out the area code had been changed to 985 from 504, that did the trick. He said in his immediate area the damage was not that severe, lots of downed tree's and power lines, no gas, some stores open on limited hours, food and water being passed out, clean up has begun, utility companies are doing their best to restore service. They hope to have mail and UPS in the next few days. New Orleans got hit by the big flood, but he told me the real devistation was a little to the east of him on the Mississippi gulf coast, everything leveled. The whole region can use our help:

American Red Cross
Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund
P O Box 37243
Washington D.C. 20013

Mike and his family are safe, and reasonably secure compared to what is going on in some of the other areas down there. But I could hear in his voice what a traumatic ordeal he had been through. He would love to hear from any of our members and friends.