New guy learning


New Member
Hey guys, im new to this form and fairly new to car restoration. Im 30 years old from southern Indiana am im a nut for classic cars. In 1996 I inherited a 1960 Belair with only 27000 original miles from my grandfather before he passed away. This car is completely original with a stock 235 and cast iron powerglide. About 3 years ago the trany started to leak so i decided to pull it and the engine for a make over. While in the process of the make over i picked up a 1961 stock 348 with 17000 miles on it which come out of a fire truck. Now im left with the decision of keeping it original or using the 348. Since the car was originally a 235 car things would be easier on the wallet but i can't stop thinking about how awesome it would be with a big block.
I look forward to learning from you guys in the future.

Don Jacks

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 3
Welcome aboard!That fire truck engine will need power upgrades[pistons,cam, be suitable for any kind of power,but it would be a great choice,andd while your at it,use an overdrive automatic [2004r,700r4]and you can build a sweet cruiser.


Welcome aboard!

Would love to see a picture of that awesome 27,000 mile machine.

You'll have to make that engine choice but if it were me, I think I'd keep it all original with that ultra low mileage. :deal

Clyde Waldo

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Welcome aboard!

Would love to see a picture of that awesome 27,000 mile machine.

You'll have to make that engine choice but if it were me, I think I'd keep it all original with that ultra low mileage. :deal

Welcome. I agree with Bob - keep that rare low mileage car original.

If you do put the 348 in, keep everything in case you (or someone else) want to go back to original in the future.

You seem to come by nice cars & engines - maybe find another car for the 348.


New Member
Thanks guys for such a warm welcome and all your input. This restoration is going on 4 years now and im so anxious to be able to drive it again. It's been a slow process due to extra funds. Me and my wife just had a baby boy so not a lot of time either. I have a couple questions. Im repainting the 235 and i was wondering if anyone had any good ideas on how to clean it without completely dissembling it. I've removed everything but the distributor, tuning cover and crank pulley. Second question is what is the best paint to use? I want to stay with original colors. Thanks for any help.


If it's really greasy and the engine is still together enough, I'd start with some spray on engine cleaner, scrub it with a parts cleaning brush and then hit it with a garden hose.

After that, I usually just spray it down with some cheap Walmart carb cleaner while scraping off any gunk. That will disolve any oily residue. Once it's all clean, spray it with the correct shade of engine paint. My preference is VHT but some others are Plasikote and Summit has their own brand that works pretty good too. There are some others too. Stay far away from the brush on POR engine paint. Stuff is like water and will really ruin your day. (unless they improved it since last year)


Supporting Member 1
Another easy to use degreaser is mineral spirits (paint thinner) which is similar to solvent. I have used a trigger type of sprayer to soak it down and a stiff brush. I place a sheet of cardboard and newspapers on the floor to soak up the mess. Leo