OK, here's a question for the ages.

La Hot Rods

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
So did you take up the trumpet??? :D
No me being the baby of the family the only instrument left was a clarinet go figure. But after some time with that the school had a base clarinet that would float through the system and every time it showed up my hand was up too play it so I kinda got off into the base sound not like I could hear it but sure was more Macho.

So all this time dad finally asked if there was something else that I would rather play and me thinking I could be the next rock star said a base guitar the dad that he was marched my ass down to the music store and had me pick out a base so now I am thinking hell yeah and start looking at the amps setting in the shop and had my eye on this sparkle blue custom padded amp and then dad dropped the bomb and said I would have to build my own crap now its a look in the Heith Kit (spelling) catalog so tell then it was the FM deal and the chin on the base. There is more to this if you want to hear.

It was never easy for me just not a natural too hear the note and play it. I was just tough to read music.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 5
I played the accordion ,piano and harmonica. Could play by ear or note's. This was through grade school .I actually got a double applause for accordion at school play's and had to play another song. After grade school year's I got tired of it and I told my mother no more. She took it to a appliance dealer and traded for a new refrigerator as it was a very expensive piece,back then they traded like that. Now I wished I would have not quit because I could have probably in a band playing all these year's as my neighbor does.