Opinions Wanted Please


Well Known Member

True, one of the reasons the 538 casting was changed involved putting more material in the casting in that area. The valve spring was a big problem in the NASCAR program that I was involved in. The endurance factor was not there...In the modern era we have such a large choice of springs, valve lengths and so on it makes you wonder how we ever got them to stay together for 500 mi. That problem carried over into the MK program as well. I am positive that collectively we can get Dan back on track. TS


Well Known Member
Reply to dq409:

dq409, that was a joke you obviously missed, but you have missed quite a few things lately. I will try harder not to let any humor slip into my posts as it seems to upset you. "Bite me" ???? Was that a saying of "your day"?? Hitman

Fathead Racing

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Supporting Member 7
It's not nice to mess with a madman!

brisbane47 said:
dq409, that was a joke you obviously missed, but you have missed quite a few things lately. I will try harder not to let any humor slip into my posts as it seems to upset you. "Bite me" ???? Was that a saying of "your day"?? Hitman
Hitman. Jim was born in 1954, that would make him 51 yrs old. You seem to have been born on June 18th. That would make you less than one year old! I would suggest that you behave yourself or Jim would be justified in giving you the spanking that you have been asking for. :takethat
Fatride AKA. Fake racer :evil


Well Known Member
Reply to gearhead409:

Gearhead, I have four sets of 690 heads here, if I can find the time I will sonic check the thickness of the spring pocket area just to see what we are looking at. We never go much more than a cleanup or opening the OD of the pocket. I prefer to use longer valves if the geometry can be held. brisbane47


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Supporting Member 3
Brisbane, I was just replying to the several pokes you have thrown at me in this thread.

Like: "(dq, does that sound rational to you??) brisbane47"

And:"dq409, have I given you enough text to pick apart?? I am trying so hard to please you."

and: "that was a joke you obviously missed, but you have missed quite a few things lately"

Never asked you to please me. Never will,,,,

These don`t sound like jokes and I doubt they were.

I never picked apart your posts I simply reponded to what your opinion was in the way I disagreed with them in a polite manor without any "jokes" or "pokes" pointed at you.

I`ve never had a problem with you so I just felt the "snipets" were out of line and wonder what the problem is.

When it comes to the information you have given Dan on the engine and what to do in the mechanical form I`m right there with you.

I believe you know what you are talking about and the only difference is how I would handle the monetary damages that Dan has occured and how to retreive some of that back.

Peace brother,,,,, dq


Well Known Member
Reply to dq409:

Dq, no worries, I thought the request was for opinions, which everyone will have with different viewpoints. What I took offense to is having my "opinion" gone over by you line by line, with your comments added. Can you see my viewpoint on that aspect? Any how, we are cool, our main focus is not entertainment for the troops, just to correct the FUBAR that Dan has going.. Have to get productive, see ya, Hitman


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Supporting Member 3
COOL Hitman !!!! :hug

I see your point ,,, Sorry if it looked that way,,, :doh

It wasn`t meant to be any kind of slam on you just what I tought would be a good way to show by comparison the difference of opinions
and views that Dan could use to settle this issue.

It is nice to see Dan getting a handle on what went wrong and working in some positive direction on his engine,,,,

Don`t BITE me,,, we be friends :D

Besides we have others that are funner to deal with :roll ,,,dq


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Supporting Member 2
I had a dead lock case against the person that bought my racer and refused to pay the last 10K after two years. Everyone aware of it in Division 5 knew he was lying and cheating. All the locals knew it too. He slandered me and the chassis builder. He caused disruptions at the track and elsewhere. I got a judgement for the full amount plus interest.

This started in May of 2004 and he still won't pay. I have to pay to chase him around with liens and writs. We are unable to shut him up legally. The courts almost never award attorney fees and didn't here despite that he caused all the trouble that led me to seeking a "civilized" solution. He's a thief and the law won't do anything about it, but had I turned on him, they would have been all over me for sure. The Courts have turned more decent people to criminal acts of vengance than the law has prevented.

Point: Maybe a threat to sue will get some attention, but you don't know what kind. The courts do not work unless there's really big money for everyone involved or it is a media event. And then it's not about truth and justice anymore. It's about careers. You are a side issue.

Point: Unless you are ready to go to prison, don't say or do anything physically threatening. No matter what happens or who is really at fault, you lose. And you have to live with yourself. And probably your cellie.

Show him what is right with some pictures. Maybe Isky or Comp Cams could help you out. Tell him he cheated you. Walk away. Save your money and use it to have a responsible builder go through the engine and make it all right.

But if you want to get even - Call the BBB. Write the State Attorney General's office. Call and discuss the matter with Dun & Bradstreet. This kind of complaint may have a bearing on his business credit. Write everyone that grants him a license to do business. Tell your friends.

It will never happen fairly in Court. After Judge Judy slaps Bubba around, he still doesn't pay and dynamites Patty Sue's house. Sorry you have to choke this down, but Hitman's got it right. You sound like a sensible guy, realize we know what's happened and are empathetic and that has to be enough. Keep your eye on the goal.


Well Known Member
tmracing62; dq409:

tmracing62, my point exactly, you have been there. dq409, from what I am seeing, I am really glad I did not "bite"!!!!! Hitman


Well Known Member
Good to see were all friends again.


I agree with you and hitman on the court situation. I have no plans on taking the guy to court, and I've opted to let it go.


I made my last visit down to his shop today and exchanged the rockers out.

I did find out that the custom pushrods are Trends.
The sizes are in the pic below.

I asked him if he used longer valves and he said they are the stock length. They are Manleys.

I'm waiting on the new guideplates from Phil Reed. UPS tracking says they'll be in Monday.

Hitman is going to finish the heads off for me, and correct anything that is wrong with them. I'm sure with his background, they'll be perfect when I get them back. Lets all give him a round of applause guys. :clap


I would like to personally thank you for creating, maintaining and connecting all of us with this forum. Without it, I would still be in the bind that I was in. I have learned alot from the members here, and feel like I'm getting some friends in the process. I know that lately there has been some tension in the ranks, but I feel everyone would agree that you deserve our gratitude for creating a home away from home for us to come to.



  • pushrods.jpg
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Supporting Member 3
b-d409 said:
be in Monday.

Hitman is going to finish the heads off for me, and correct anything that is wrong with them. I'm sure with his background, they'll be perfect when I get them back. Lets all give him a round of applause guys. :clap


:clap :clap :clap

Good for you Dan !!! It is easy for us to stand back here and say what we would do but sometimes it is best to just move on.

I think you came out pretty good with this guy and now is the time to set your sites on getting this engine into your car !!

Happy days ahead,,, dq :cheers


Well Known Member
Cam Question

My dad pulled the cam to verify it's what we paid for.

My question is: Is it typical for Iskenderian cams to be hand engraved or should they be stamped? Our cam is hand engraved. Here is what is on the cam, and of course it was on the back end so it had to be pulled all the way out.

(Then there are 3 holes across the centerline of the cam with numbers written between them.)​
Hole 14110 Hole 110 Hole​
280 Hyd​
Mega Cam (written over the stamp 135615)​

The only stamping other than that under the word Mega Cam is: 230891 It is stamped upside-down around the outside perimeter.

OK guys, what do you think?



Active Member
hand etching the numbers is common practice, & that was the info we needed. check for a PM from me. crewchief