Stupid School Board Superintendent


Well Known Member
So the dummy that runs our school district sent out an email asking for help on a new curriculum teaching the kids. Well that got me pissed off so here is what I told him back.

Sir, after you people digging in my pockets in the last 20 years for more money to teach these little idiots, it's not my place to tell you how to do that. You get paid the big bucks to figure this stuff out on your own and I suspect you are collage educated and you may want to go back and ask for a refund on what you paid for your degree. It's pitiful, that people like you are so stupid on how to fix a simple problem. Maybe this year I will run for school board just so I can get in your face, hope you don't forget my name.

My Name here.

Wonder if I will get a reply back :dunno:roll