Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick


Well Known Member
There are 330,000,000 legal Americans. There are over 40,000,000 illegals known about. More daily. It isnt just assh0le joe its our entire elected officials allowing it. Every one of them.


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It's not just our elected officials. Same as with gang members, it's our mother's, father's, sisters, brothers, cousins, neighbors, etc. The people, both left and right vote to keep these politicians in office, year after year. If nobody hired the illegal aliens, if no-one supported them through the church's, if there was no free ride here, they would not come. But they do hire them, they do support the legislation that gives them benefits, they do vote to support politicians who want to give amnesty to those that broke the law to get and be here. So they will continue to come here illegally. It's not just the left. And for our liberal brothers on this board, it has nothing to do with immigration. It has everything to do with ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. If you are unable to understand the difference, stop voting.

Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15
There are 330,000,000 legal Americans. There are over 40,000,000 illegals known about. More daily. It isnt just assh0le joe its our entire elected officials allowing it. Every one of them.

Speaking of elected officials, I emailed my 2 Senators a week ago. I asked why the republican party isn't up in arms and hammering about immigration every day on t social media, radio, and tv. They both gave some political mumbo jumbo non-answer. No suprise there.

If there was a concerted effort to slam the libs on immigration, would it be censored anyhow?


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Speaking of elected officials, I emailed my 2 Senators a week ago. I asked why the republican party isn't up in arms and hammering about immigration every day on t social media, radio, and tv. They both gave some political mumbo jumbo non-answer. No suprise there.

If there was a concerted effort to slam the libs on immigration, would it be censored anyhow?

Thats exactly what I said in my e-mail to my Congressman I asked why isn't the RepubeiKunt's screaming and yelling about what Biden is doing. He usually sends me a reply to my e-mails, maybe it was me telling him I'm done with the Pube party.:D

And because of Bidens immigration policy or lack of if the Pubes get back in power it's time to clean house! Send them back to their home country and tell them to apply for citizenship the correct way!


1958 delivery

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More population whether legal or not means more congressional districts thus more House members. The Dems are counting on them voting their way.

You can take that to the bank

That's why New York is going to allow non citizens to vote in state matters, more liberal voters. Calif is scurring to catch up, they are going to allow illegal aliens to become police officers