The way it goes


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Supporting Member 2
So let me understand this. The domestic terrorist can do, or say anything they want. The domestic terrorist can throw bottles, rocks, and bricks, burn buildings, attack the police, assault citizens, carry weapons such as clubs, boards, knives, etc, destroy public and private property, tear down statues, block fire and police vehicles, block public streets and highways, graffiti all sorts of buildings, cars, public spaces, use hate speech, and violence. However anyone that isn't a part of the domestic terrorist groups are not allowed protect themselves or property without being arrested. It has become painfully obvious that most police, mayors, governors, and almost all elected officials left and right have abandoned the honest law abiding citizens of this country. They are complicit with these domestic terrorist. I would go as far to say that most police, mayors, governors, and elected officials support these domestic terrorist as they have done and said nothing to stop it. On the contrary, many have openly supported these terrorist. If the people of this country had any real self respect, every elected person in this country would be voted out on the next election cycle. These police chiefs would be out also. People will ultimately have to protect themselves and property because the police cannot and will not do it.


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Supporting Member 6
Yep Jeff "The Powers That Be" say these people can do whatever they want. And those are the same powers that keep the Washington crooks from being put in the slammer. You can't turn on the tv without the channel that you are watching doesn't throw up an message supporting BLM not just African Americans they support BLM even my bank supports BLM which pizzes me off to no end. Whoever sponsored these protesters and I have my ideas pulled out all the stops and went full blown stupid. I hope that everyone that is throwing their support behind BLM is just a front to keep their sorry azzes out of trouble is just a front because if they go to the voting booth or however we vote this November in this frame of mind it doesn't look good for Trump.



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Supporting Member 2
It's not just the Presidential election in November we need to be concerned with. All elections. Every single elected person that has sat quietly and not said anything about the looting, arson, destruction, and violence should be voted out. All of them, left and right. Every business owner that has sat quietly, or been too cowardly to stand up against these domestic terrorist, their business should be boycotted if possible. Using their words, Silence is violence, Silence is complicity, Silence is support. We have been abandoned to the domestic terrorist. The only people that will be harassed and seriously gone after by the police is people that protect themselves. Why? Because if the police and politicians allowed it, it would be an admission by them of the fact that they cannot protect you. Therefore they will make an example of those that do. Vote out every single person that did not openly oppose the violence. Everyone of them, left and right.

1958 delivery

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
It's not just the Presidential election in November we need to be concerned with. All elections. Every single elected person that has sat quietly and not said anything about the looting, arson, destruction, and violence should be voted out. All of them, left and right. Every business owner that has sat quietly, or been too cowardly to stand up against these domestic terrorist, their business should be boycotted if possible. Using their words, Silence is violence, Silence is complicity, Silence is support. We have been abandoned to the domestic terrorist. The only people that will be harassed and seriously gone after by the police is people that protect themselves. Why? Because if the police and politicians allowed it, it would be an admission by them of the fact that they cannot protect you. Therefore they will make an example of those that do. Vote out every single person that did not openly oppose the violence. Everyone of them, left and right.

Yea, right:laugh You're already out voted. I was thinking a more forcefully means.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Yeah this ones not going away like the previous protest these people have been edjamakated by the best the DemoRats have spared no expense of gathering the finest corrupt minds to assemble this crowd .
