Trump hating Country hating soccer player


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The NFL was at least a private organization. Which for me didn't matter, we haven't watched since it started and probably never will again. This is a whole other level of disgust. This is the US women's team. If you are not proud enough of this country, FING LEAVE to somewhere you think is better. But they aren't going anywhere are they? The ***** and anyone like her should be thrown off the team and deported to any country that will take her, preferably Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, or Iraq. If she could not be deported she should be jailed for life.
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Supporting Member 6
They really need to keep their politics out of the games. The big mouthed soccer Dyke just made it for me not to give a $hit about what they do from now on especially since they excepted AOC's invitation and Chukles Schumer's they all can stick it. :finger


Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member


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Soccer???....Who in the phuk watches that sheet. I got better things to do than to watch dyke losers with purple hair and stupid sun glasses kick a ball around a field. If they can beat the men's team then and only then pay them the same, otherwise they should shut their c**t mouths. When my wife said try to do my job I said sure, then you can do mine, don't forget to bring your own tools to work tomorrow. She never said anything again about it.


Well Known Member
God i Love It when celebrities come out in public and tell me MY CHOICES AND DECISIONS ARE FU©KED UP!! They aren't changing our minds they only reinforce our choices. The ones who hate us and Trump already did but there are ones who haven't decided and telling them they are Evil kind of helps them decide. Keep talking lady. Those sponsor million$ she wants are dwindling too


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Supporting Member 6
Sadly i have to think she's had more pussy on her face than I.
Yet she bitches.
And she's worth million$.
I wish i was a loud mouth lesbian million too.

I bet she's had a lot of escapades with her teammates and probably the coach too!:cloud Our Country's going to the dogs, our rich athletes hate the country that gave them all their wealth and our one party hates this Country and they let illegal people invade our borders and steal money and healthcare from our people and their probably with the help of George Soros are responsible for these caravans that's swamping us!!

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