What'd You Say

wc chevys

Well Known Member
A older couple set out on a trip.They stop at a gas station for fuel.The attendent comes out and begines to fill there car.he strikes up a conversation,where y'all headed. The gentelman begines to reply when his wife interups him and ask's what'd he say.he reply's he wants to know where we're headed.He then continues to tell the attendent.He then ask's where there from,as the older fellow starts to reply, she once againi nterups them;what did you say,and he tell's her he asked where there from.The older man tell's him there from Texas and ask's if he's ever been there. The attendent say's actually I was years ago and I gota say I got the worst piece of a$$ of my life there and she was'nt very good looking either.About that time she interups agian and ask's what'd he say,the old man reply's;he say's he think's he know's you:argue: