
Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
I apparently had 60 feet of fencing blow over next to the Mancave (so I am told by a tenant!). Am 7 hours away so I don't get to see it until this weekend.

I spent the afternoon at the track (Oaklawn) and hardly lost any money. What the heck happened in mid-MO? And when was it?


La Hot Rods

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 16
Not really, looks like a brush pile burn to me.
The bad part is that's what's left is hanging over the power line to the house.

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
That "oldest son" is James Jr. He hung out with me and some others a few years back when we were doing new construction and fixing up some older rental properties. He is quite handy and of course "able bodied". Remember when we were like that???

It's good to have strong bodies around to keep us old guys from popping massive amounts of Ibuprofen :).

Cheers! TomK