333 409 heads


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I see a set for sale "complete", what are they worth? Supposed to be out of a fire truck.




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I have two sets available to me for $100 a set if that gives you any idea.
Don't know if that's representative of the market or not.:dunno


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I had sold a few sets of the 333 heads last year or so for $150. A set


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The bare casting is about all you are using with the 333. Shouldn't be much. Still, a good head.

yellow wagon

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^ This. You don't need or want anything more than that honestly. The heads need some attention before they are ready to run


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So I have a 63 814 block with 817 heads, I guess if I got serious about a HP bump to say 500 range, what I have is a better platform than 333's? Or just buy an aluminum set.

You know, should you spend $5-$10,000 on paint or HP? Leave the car looking like a part of the Lee family?


Tom Kochtanek

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Cylinder head costs:

From my experiences, you'll spend about $500 or so "outfitting" a basic set of bare heads with new one piece stainless valves, new springs and keepers. That is unless you plan on going with "special components".

A bare set of 333 heads seem to go for around $200. That is the best deal out there if you are looking for inexpensive performance. They seem to be plentiful, and you can modify them without risk since they are readily available. Rumor has that if you put two of them together on a shelf and come back in a year, a third will appear :).

Here's my take on other cylinder head values:

A bare set of 379s goes for about the same amount, but it is harder to get them to flow like one can with the 333s

A bare set of 817s goes for maybe $500 - $750?

A bare set of 1147s goes for around $750

A bare set of 690s or 583s runs around $1500 - $2000

A bare set of BWR heads are a bit over $2000 (Bob, correct me if I'm wrong!).

A bare set of aluminum Edelbrocks runs a bit under $2000.

I don't know what LWA heads go for, I've heard $6-7000.

A bare set of 1963 Z-11 heads goes for around $10,000.

I want the Z-11 heads :) :) :).

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Don Jacks

Well Seasoned Member
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Heck Tom,just sell him those ported 690's that you posted pictures of the other day.You'll likely not use them,and they'll easily support 5-600 hp!:idea:poke

yellow wagon

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Tom eluded to the cost difference of the 333 vs 817. The 817 is worth a good amount yet I think one can DO more with the 333. Larger valves, extensive porting....all while starting with a really inexpensive pair of heads. I really have the urge to do a set of 333s again for fun. I love those heads!


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817's and 333's have same port size. 817's have better compression, and a better shape to the quench area, without the 333's little chamber. Valve seats are already bigger. You don't have to mess with spacers to replace the valve rotaters. But, one can do a lot with the 333. I always mill them .060" to reduce the chamber volume.

yellow wagon

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My thought it that with what the 817s are worth, you can sell them to someone doing a restoration, get your 333s basically free and have money in your wallet for head upgrades. Regards which head you go with you are gonna need screw in studs, 1-piece valves, new valve springs and so on. The castings might be a hair better on the 817s but after grinding on a set of 333s, they will perform every bit as good and you'll come out ahead $$ wise. :)

yellow wagon

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Buuuuut if everyone would rather use their 817s I'll take any 333s you guys have laying around for the freight cost :)

Tom Kochtanek

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Put BuildIt and Jason together in a room full of "truck heads" and you'll get some good tips in building on a budget, assuming you can do some of the grinding yourself.

Ronnie Russell and I exchanged some parts once and he opened up a set of 333s for me. I tried to copy that design and spent maybe 15-20 hours cleaning up inside a set of 333s, but I'm sure I didn't get close to what he accomplished. How much time does a shop that does cylinder head porting take? I guess if you factored that in, it can get spendy for a $200 set of heads.

In 2004, at time of the First Convention, I had been collecting "W" parts for just a few years. I recall Lamar Walden commenting in his presentation in KC that the 333 heads were "door stops" around his shop and that you couldn't do much with them. At that time much of what I had found was truck-based, so I had maybe six pair of those heads, and I was bummed. I think Jason's build gives us a clearer picture of what might be accomplished with a bit of massaging on those 333s :) :) :).



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Thanks to all- an interesting discussion.

For $200, no shipping costs since I can pick them up, wouldn't hurt to have a look at them.

How many hours would it be to have the machining done by a shop? Ballpark.



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Hard to beat the value with 333's for sure. (My little shop is nothing fancy, but I am using 690's for door stops.)