After Harris/Biden inauguration

Jeff Olson

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Amplifying Voices of South Dakota
By Congressman Dan Newhouse (WA-04)
By now, many of us understand that President Biden’s Executive Order to halt the Keystone XL Pipeline is going to have disastrous effects on our nation’s economy, energy security, and thousands of American jobs. By terminating the Pipeline, we are even risking our international standing and relationship with our Canadian neighbors who have also invested billions of dollars and years of design and permitting to accomplish a first-of-its-kind, innovative oil pipeline – the safest way we have to transfer oil and natural gas resources.

Representative Dusty Johnson understands that we can talk about numbers all day long, but the impacts of this Executive Order go way beyond that. Like a ripple effect, it will impact nearly every American and particularly those in the rural communities who rely on the Pipeline, the workers, and the economic activity that comes along with them. The sense of community that we cherish in rural America is being damaged as pipeline employees are forced to leave their small towns, and the stability that was guaranteed by dozens of local, state, and federal permits, environmental reviews, and court decisions is gone.

The Congressional Western Caucus is a group composed of Members from across the United States who proudly serve as a voice for rural America. As Chairman of the Western Caucus, I work with Members, like Representative Johnson, to amplify the voices of those who feel they have been ignored by the federal government for far too long. That is why I was grateful that Representative Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) and I were invited to his roundtable in Philip to hear directly from the community members, small business owners, and families who have been impacted by the President’s Keystone XL Pipeline decision.

The stories that were shared around the table in Philip were heartbreaking. Tricia Burns, who owns Ignite Wellness Studio, said something that really stuck with me: “We get caught up in dollars and cents, we get caught up in money, we get caught up in the economy – but behind it all, there are human lives that are being destroyed.” She is exactly right, and in order to be effective in Washington, D.C., we have to hear and share these stories.

For South Dakotans, Keystone represents more than just jobs for pipeline workers. It represents an opportunity to modernize our energy infrastructure and strengthen local economies. It represents an opportunity to reinvigorate the small towns where pipeline workers live and work. It represents an opportunity to build upon a strong energy industry and a commitment from the federal government to invest in these communities. On his first day in the White House – with the flick of a pen – President Biden eliminated these opportunities.

Can you imagine if President Trump had unilaterally made the decision to kill thousands of American jobs amidst a global pandemic? It would be a national outrage. Well, we understand that President Biden’s actions are indeed a national outrage, felt by the communities along the Keystone XL Pipeline and beyond.

America needs to keep hearing from the people of South Dakota. I know Representative Johnson will continue to make sure the voices and the stories we listened to at the roundtable continue to be heard in the nation’s capital. We will continue to work together through our efforts in the Western Caucus to strengthen the rural communities of South Dakota and across the country by promoting a strong domestic energy sector, inspiring American innovation and creating good-paying jobs, and ensuring that President Biden understands the true impacts of his reckless executive actions.

Dan Newhouse represents Washington’s 4th Congressional District in Congress and currently serves as Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus. He is a third-generation farmer from Central Washington and previously served as Director of the Washington State Department of Agriculture.


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All that BiteMe has done so far is your classic power grab move designed to bust our middle class azzes and make us more docile and pliable to what is about to come!! This could have been kept to a dull roar a while back when the Repubeicants held both Houses if they would have got off their lazy azzes and took care of some things like voting reform and the use of Dominion voting machine because both parties sure in the Hell new about this problem. Why do you suppose neither party wanted to do anything about something that was so dangerous to our Country and so important to how we keep things on an even keel in this Country. And now we're going to pay dearly for the procrastination to put it mildly because the Heathens are back in power with an axe to grind!!



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The blame should be put squarely on Obama who is running the show Biden dosen’t Know if he’s afoot or horseback, just the fall guy for Obama again China owned. :finger

Absolutely Newby you can't say the word Dip$hit without finding O'Bummers name in the same sentence but you have to admit the RepubeiCunts have also been knuckle draggers for far to long.

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Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15
The Keystone pipeline upon completion would carry more than 800,000 barrels or 33.6 million gallons of oil through the pipeline per day. With no harmful emissions.
A Barrel of Oil is 42 gallons, not to be confused with a Drum which is 55 gallons.
Because a gallon of oil weighs between 7.5 and 7,8 lbs per gallon, most trucks can't carry but up to 130 barrels of oil at a time without violating our department of transportation laws of 80,000 lbs. on our roadways.
That's truck and cargo weight. It would take 6,154 more trucks going just from Canada to the Gulf Coast for that same oil, and that's every single day.
Now a rail car holds approx. 30,000 gallons or 700 barrels. It would take trains every day pulling 1,143 more rail cars per day, just pulling the oil from that pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
Trains and Trucks emitting more emissions and burning more fuel that would be eliminated by the pipeline.
So when they tell you this is about the environment, it is not, that would be a lie. Just thought you should know.​


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They are a weekly occurence because the demorats want to take your guns away and their loyal followers think if there are more mass shootings they can reach their goal--i would bet the gunman was a demorat but that will be hidden from the american people.


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Indianapolis 8 dead more wounded in another mass shooting last night. Why are mass shootings an almost weekly occurence under Democratic presidents (not my pres)?!!

I wonder the same thing Wristpin. I turn on the computer this morning to find another shooting and I think to myself WTF! I certainly don't think my approval of the Rat party could sink any lower but I have thought that the shootings and the Rats trying to $hitcan the 2nd amendment are in high gear. And I wonder could the Rats actually be lower than what I think of them could they have have a hand in these shootings? I don't think so but I'll leave this thought open.



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I dont think it's a conspiracy of mass shootings but i do think there must be a real and verifiable reason those occur more under Democrat administrations. Not just on national level but at state level too. Stressors are increased? Monetary as well as psychological pressures. A sense of being marginalized and abused to the point of killing many is the option taken.


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They're trying to blame it on the fire chief for giving the go ahead for doing the controlled burn that went wrong. typical DemoRats!



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He did what he was TOLD to do. There was no way in hell there could have been anything but an uncontrolled explosion. I wasn't there and I could have predicted that as could anyone who's lit a BBQ or campfire.