Alex Baldwin


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Although I really don't like any of the Baldwins or their kind, I am not surprised at all. The other 2 were fools to plead on the cases. Going by the past, maybe, just maybe because of public outcry, the armorer might have gotten a small sentence and probation, but that would have been the most. Civil court and personal opinion is another matter and subject all together.


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Supporting Member 2
It was a given the Baldwin would have the charges dropped. He always had an out. The armorer was always the defense and his out.


Sorry for the confusion. He was indicted again. See the video I posted above. I just added it to this thread so as not to start another one for this scumbag. (the thread title is misleading)
It was a given the Baldwin would have the charges dropped. He always had an out. The armorer was always the defense and his out.

Was watching the ticker on ARV and they said as of today he was charged again.
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Supporting Member 11
One question I’ve never heard asked is who cocked the gun? He keeps saying he didn’t pull the trigger but in order for a single action revolver to fire the hammer has to be cocked then the trigger pulled. :scratch