Am I Racist?

63 dream'n

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I am not a racist, I happen to have likes and dislikes just like everyone else. I didn’t raise my kids to see skin color, my youngest daughter at a very young age was with her mother at the department store and they were looking at dolls, Barbies…. I don’t know ?? there was a black doll as well as a white, and although my daughter didn’t have any knowledge of prejudice she did not like the way that the black doll looked……. Mind you she’s less than five years old…… but I will point out that my ex was very judge mental and pointing things out to the girls as they grew…...I always told the girls don’t judge……. it is what you see and what you’re used to, anything out of the norm doesn’t quite fit right for you…. there’s nothing wrong with that……. that’s human nature
I can’t remember the name of the program, but I also remember seeing a program on tv where they showed pictures to infants to gauge their reactions as a stimulus…….beautiful people, pretty people, made the babies smile or happy…made them content …….ugly people, fat people, people with scars or people who looked different startled shocked or made the baby show discomfort……. we’re talking infants
But I too…….find it uncomfortable with all the mixed couples mostly a black man with a beautiful white woman….. please do not take me incorrectly as to say that I don’t care for interracial marriages or couples it’s the disproportionate amount that they are portraying you see on TV ….now if they blacks or people of color (I do absolutely abhor the name African-American, we’re all Americans period) make up less than 30% of the nations population…. why would it be shown as to being the norm in just about every commercial…..are businesses playing to the left or honestly being diverse…. or pushing an agenda…..I say both!!!!
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I just treat people how they treat me. If they don't like me because the color of my skin, then... If they don't like me because I am male..... If they don't like me because I have a job, education, generally believe in the law,..... then there liberal and democrat and I don't like them either.


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What gets me is they want a percentage here and a percentage there regardless of their performance, yet you watch just about any sport and it's at least 60% people of color ( that's probably low) when if they want to go by their standards 30% percent of them should be replaced with white men or women that aren't as good of athletes. How about we just pick the best man or woman for the job!! I've been let go or passed over for jobs before because I was white even though I was the better worker by a long shot.


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I know I'm a white racist. I am white and I will "race" anyone at the track or the street if we don't get caught.
What is a "racist"?> one who races other in a drag "race". Hell we used to have a black guy at our track years ago and his car was named "Race Riot" the guy was funny as all phuc.


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We had in my town back in 1963 black young guy our age that Worked had a beautiful 62 SS Impala Honduras maroon factory 409 . First name Jackie.There was another Jackie in our age group in the mix a white guy so to know who we were talking about at times everybody called him black jack ,a well liked guy. We got along with him no problem.
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