Biteme's VP pick

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Does any of this surprise anybody? After a quick historical inventory, I came up with a list of names like feinstein,boxer,sanchez,watson, waters,pelosi,now harris, I suppose the rest of America thinks this state doesn't have any human women that can get elected for anything important. Quite a track record. Does the rest of the country ask if the only thing the liberal plantation out here raises is loud obnoxious liberal women? Will the last normal American to leave California please bring the flag?
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Supporting Member 6
All of the African American DemoRat politicians are loud and obnoxious its from all that pent up anger they have from when they were slaves growing up .


Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Mark, that's racist. That's over the line for this forum. There's more black people who are rather conservative and don't feel that way than we will ever know. Racism as an institution started with the left in this country before the Civil War. I've met black people at work and other places that wish all this stuff never happened. They just want to be left alone and allowed to live their lives without liberal forces making them look bad when they claim to speak for all of them.

Phil Reed

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
You are correct Greg!!!!! We had a care giver for my sister for 5 years and she is wonderful!!!! She is like a member of our family. She is African-American!!! She also was given the title of Paster this summer.
She has completely changed our life and saved my sister's life several times.

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Phil, those are the ones that the liberal media doesn't want you to know about. Do you think the majority of good black people need sharpton,jackson, farrakhan,or maxine to speak for them? Would you want their help? Glad to hear you had a good experience on your sister's behalf.


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Supporting Member 6
All of the African American DemoRat politicians are loud and obnoxious its from all that pent up anger they have from when they were slaves growing up .


Greg I am NOT speaking of all African Americans in this Country by this statement I am referring to the ones that have been elected to office and sit on Committee's like the ones that impeached Trump and tried to take down Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh these are the same ones that do the Lefts bidding and lie & cheat and take care of the Lefts dirty laundry. And far as the part about slavery I was taking a poke at the idiots that want us to pay reparation to them for what have happened or might not have happened to their ancestors and I also thought slavery & the Civil war was a black mark on the United States.


Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Glad to hear that.we need to be very careful how we express ourselves during this out of control hypersensitive time All some of those agitators have to do is take something out of context on purpose and create trouble for everybody else. We don't want to sound racist when we're not. I'm critical of those who try to politicize all this for the sake of destroying the leadership of our Country. I guarantee that they have no better alternative.

63 dream'n

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 4
CAN’T STAND THE TERM AFRICAN AMERICAN.......... causing the same separation as racism......... WE’RE ALL AMERICANS......!!!!!!!!
And now during the NFL season we’re going to have the black national anthem prior to the national anthem come on everybody they need to pull their heads out of their asses
Once upon a time they were called colored, once upon a time they were called Negroes, once upon a time they were called blacks, once upon a time they were called African Americans......... because the past was wrong, or it’s considered to be wrong now .........what do we get to tear down and ruin, because we don’t like what used to be...... like statues of our history....... can’t stand this stupid shit......!!!!!....... IMHO


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Supporting Member 6
I'll take the National Anthem over any kind of Sports team every time and this starts clear down starting at schools its just to Damn bad they're brain washing the kids in school and the problem is simple to solve you know where the Damn door is.



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Supporting Member 7

Me neither. I hate that s—t. They’re as far removed from Africa by now as I am from Poland, Germany, Ireland etc. I agree, it is a devisive term and I wish people in general would stop identifying black people as ‘AA’.

BLM is a crock too. For the same reason. ALL lives matter. Content of character not skin color.


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Yep but AF is what they prefer to be called and we sure don't need anymore protests I'd say our plate is pretty full with those at this point.


63 dream'n

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 4
Me neither. I hate that s—t. They’re as far removed from Africa by now as I am from Poland, Germany, Ireland etc. I agree, it is a devisive term and I wish people in general would stop identifying black people as ‘AA’.

BLM is a crock too. For the same reason. ALL lives matter. Content of character not skin color.

:appl:appl:appl“ALL lives matter”............well said....!!!!!

Greg Reimer

Well Known Member
Imagine the worst case scenario-- Trump isn't re elected, biden and harris come in as #1 and #2, biden resigns due to health, harris is the new prez, and pelosi becomes veep.Just speculating. Hope it doesn't happen!! If you think things couldn't get any worse, that would be it!!
Then, wonder of wonders,(or horror of horrors), they get harris out of there some way, and pelosi installs witch hillary as veep. Then what? I'm sure that mornings in the White House would soon resemble the opening scene from Mac Beth.
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1958 delivery

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Imagine the worst case scenario-- Trump isn't re elected, biden and harris come in as #1 and #2, biden resigns due to health, harris is the new prez, and pelosi becomes veep.Just speculating. Hope it doesn't happen!! If you think things couldn't get any worse, that would be it!!

Not really, imagine if that toothless one from Georgia was his pick:barf1

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Imagine the worst case scenario-- Trump isn't re elected, biden and harris come in as #1 and #2, biden resigns due to health, harris is the new prez, and pelosi becomes veep.Just speculating. Hope it doesn't happen!! If you think things couldn't get any worse, that would be it!!

.......then something happens to President Harris and then pres....:facepalm:facepalm is that any worse?
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