
Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Just saw a pair at one of my 3 houses. Didn't have any the last 2 years. I heard they got killed off coming north during migration when a severe cold front and snow storm hit in Missouri and Arkansas. No food and froze to death. Pretty little bird with a distinctive little song and flight.
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Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Put up a house on a fence near the woods. They like setting on the fence, trees, not so much. They like setting upon the high lines also. They eat a lot of bugs. You have them, they aren't very noticeable unless you know what your looking for. They have a distinct flight and song. Good eating too.... :flag :flag simular to blueberries...
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Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
They are beautiful

Another pair messing at my second house tonight. The male looks in the hole and makes sure it's safe then she takes a look to make sure it decorated right. If there's only one pair they will settle on this one house. They seem to like it best. I put fish line around the house to deterr usually works. If not the 20 gauge with #8 shot does.

63 dream'n

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 4
I bought a blue bird bird house two years ago and was going to put it on a fence post in my backyard I haven’t done so yet they said it could take a year or two before you get one I guess they’re very particular about where they call home…….And that was from wild birds Unlimited…….The information on mounting the birdhouse said that it needed to be in an open area they don’t like to go high like in a treetop somewhere around chest to head level I guess……. And they like a Clearview around there home

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Good article Keith. Get the box out, keep the sparrows away, and if bluebirds don't nest, wrens probably will. Took these bad pics through the screen now. Male and female

While watching the bluebirds I noticed a new hatch of red squirrels running around on the den tree 30' away. Looks like 5 young ones this year.20230414_180639.jpg20230414_180623.jpg
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Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Do a search...the sparrows dislike fish line. Also #8 shot. Usually if the bluebirds don't nest the wrens will. They're cool. Not back til later.

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Have scarlet Tanager coming to the feeder now. Lots of Baltimore Orioles and Orchard Orioles 20230515_171221.jpgalso. They'll slow down feeding when they start to nest. The Orioles, House Wrens, and hummingbirds all showed up a couple weeks ago.