Bye Aunt Jemima

mike s

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 12
Now just saw a posting that Cream of Wheat( since 1893) and Mrs Butterworth are the next considering changing their labels and packaging. Really starting to get crazy.


Well Known Member
Ive come to the realization that it isnt a Black vs White issue. Its a Deep State issue. The more the entire country is seperated and not paying attention to what is really going on the easier it is for the final destruction of what was America. I believe we are on the edge and one last big push will end this Experiment of freedom. My only question is what is that last push going to be?


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I think we are just about there Wristpin. I was watching the morning news and the next thing to add on the list is Eskimo Pies someone says the name is offensive and racist and I bet their not even an Eskimo.
