Cable alternatives


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What are all you high tech Gurus using for a cable alternatives ? Spectrum just raised my cable $10 and that's more than I would like to pay. Looks like Utube TV has just about what I'm looking for its around $45 a month, I'm paying $210 a month for Internet, cable and phone I'll keep the Internet & phone because my celery phone doesn't work worth a crap where I live so I couldn't rely on it for a dedicated phone line.



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I am paying about $260 for internet and cable. I will keep the internet, but we are looking now. If I cannot find something then we might wind up with a digital antenna and maybe one streaming source. Either way, it has got out of control. I remember, like most here when we started paying for TV and thought cable prices was crazy then. :doh


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Yeah its a bunch of crap we have questionable service, when I call them they want to send some tech out and I tell them don't waste your time just update and fix your junk. The price keeps going up and get no better service. Sounds like the Dems have stock in the cable company's to get this kind of protection.



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I find the price just crazy, however there is something worse than the price, at least for me and my wife. We have a problem with most of what is on TV these days. We are pretty middle of the road type of people who lean right, but still close to the middle. We don't feel we need to be educated by TV, films, radio, etc. We don't like agendas either. Don't care what they are. Seems like every show these days has to have contestants, participants, etc with a sob story. That sob story is more important than if they can run a course, answer a question, etc. Whine whine whine. I don't give a sh*t what race, sex, sexual orientation, color, or religion you are. Doesn't have anything to do with who you are as a person. However, every show now has to make sure they "teach" us about what the world should be, and how we are to act and think. Bottom line is I think I could just turn it off and not miss much. We stopped watching most shows already.
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PBS=Democratic party[esp.liberal ]shills.:rules:censor

Didn't Trump pull the plug on PBS Don or cut them back on Fed dollars? I watch the morning local news on network tv other than a few holiday specials there isn't anything I want to watch on network and there's not a whole lot on cable either. While shopping for a replacement for Spectrum I ran across Motortrend tv seems like I wouldn't mind having that channel.



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No Mark,they're still around.I can get a few car channels,but they usually have about 5 minutes of "content" and 10 minutes of commericals per segment.TV is for local news,weather,NASCAR,and a few selected shows.Most of my time is spent on the inter net and here..

Yeah I watch PBS from time to time but what I meant Don was if Trump pulled what they were getting in Federal dollars because I remember when he was first elected he said he was going to do it and being their a bunch of Liberals it wouldn't hurt my feelings if they went belly up.



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I do like the Antiques Roadshow and I'll watch some of the concerts they have but if I'm already giving to them through tax's dollars I'm sure in the hell not giving them any more.
